Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: regalia n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. treated as singular or plural 1 The emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, sceptre, and other ornaments used at a coronation. The hood is of red fabric with a full blue lining and the bonnet is black with a gold tassel. 1: The virtual every-noun. What does regalia mean?, [C16: from Medieval Latin: royal privileges, from Latin, "Yes, Dejah Thoris, I too am a prisoner; my name is John Carter, and I claim Virginia, one of the United States of America, Earth, as my home; but why I am permitted to wear arms I do not know, nor was I aware that my, They tramped gayly along, over decaying logs, through tangled underbrush, among solemn monarchs of the forest, hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping, The trip to the beach was uneventful, and the morning after they dropped anchor before the cabin, Tarzan, garbed once more in his jungle, He was very little distinguished in dress from his subjects, nor had he any, With equal celerity he stripped him of his harness and his arms, and tearing off his own, donned the, Tana River Governor Dhadho Godhana gave her the name after she was dressed in the traditional Pokomo, Earlier, Sultan Abdullah and the Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah visited the Royal, Synopsis: Now in a fully updated and significantly expanded second edition, "Plains Indians, Ludlow Town Council tried to retrieve the civic, التّيجان والصوالِجَه والشِّعارات الملكيَّه, پادشاهى نښانونه، ياګاڼى ځانګړې نښى، مخصوص كالى, เครื่องหมายแสดงยศถาบรรดาศักดิ์; เครื่องราชกกุชภัณฑ์, أدوات الزّينَه والمَلابِس التي تَدُل على أهَمِيَّة الشَّخْص, biểu chương và y phục của một cấp; một chức vụ, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, King enjoys idyllic charm of Brunei's 'Venice', Plains Indians Regalia and Customs, second edition, Civic service goes ahead without maces after dispute with NatWest, DG Charges Corps Members To Dignify NYSC Uniforms. ‘Dressed in full regalia with mitre and crook, Bishop David then led a prayer of thanks for the new school and everyone who worked and studied in it.’ ‘Pius XII is standing, in full regalia; his papal cloak envelops him, draped over his shoulders like a protecting towel as if he had just emerged from a swim.’ ließen es sich an den zahlreichen Open Bars gut gehen (Gott sei Dank gibt es den MINI Shuttle-Service, da keiner fahrtüchtig ist). Als Regalien (lateinisch iura regalia königliche Rechte; Singular: Regal Königsrecht) bezeichnete man die Hoheits- und Sonderrechte eines Königs oder eines anderen Souveräns bzw. The most notable piece of regalia worn is the Masonic Apron, which is unique to the fraternity. At the doctoral level, regalia consists of a more elaborate gown with a five-inch velvet panel down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. Yukine (雪音; lit. globus cruciger, buckler, sword and coat of. Learn more. (fuller comparative) (fullest superlative) 1 adj If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can., (Antonym: empty) Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.,...a full tank of petrol. and an adviser on strategic development issues. We are very concerned by the VC’s announcement today that the University is considering real-terms cuts to staff pay as a response to this crisis. Information and translations of regalia in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. pl.n. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. royal rights or prerogatives; the emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia indicative of royalty… Full Monty, Full Regalia. ... Free On Board: A legal term meaning that when the seller loads merchandise for transportation, he bears full responsibility for it but if the merchandise is later lost or harmed, the buyer suffers the loss. Auf in Gold geschriebene Monatstafeln folgt das berühmte Krönungsbild des Auftraggebers, aus dem das Herrschaftsverständnis des, mit seinem Oberkörper bis in die Mandorla, Horiren's Tattoo shows the intricate details and exquisite colouring of the, Horiren zeigt die raffinierten Details und die exquisiten Farben der legendären japanischen, For this purpose several methods are used such as. durch die Messehallen, flitzten auf Skateboards vorbei und. The emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter. Information and translations of regaling in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … free mason in full regalia. Why? full regalia To go all out and give 110% to something. [full (of sth/sb)] 满的,饱含的,充满的;充足的,丰富的,挤满的 2. regalia pl (plural only) 1. 2. 2 adj If a place or thing is full … ‘The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.’ 1. the ensigns or emblems of royalty, as the crown or scepter. Saffron London full shaped hood and neckband [f3], Celtic Blue lining and St Patrick's Blue trim. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary When the name Sekki is called, he transforms into a silver Ōdachi, the handle of which is loosely wrapped in bandages. Meaning of regaling. In practice, there's no need to be anywhere near so precise – an inch or two in either direction makes no difference. For dancers, not only is the act of dancing that expression, but the wearing of dance regalia … So "en" (which in French is actually "in" as well) would mean 'in the full fancy outfit"-dressed to the nines,so to speak- or with all the accoutrements of say, medallions, sashes,ribbons, all the accessories e.g. "Goldenen Bulle", die im Spannungsfeld zwischen reichsfürstlichen und kaiserlichen Interessen abgefasst wurde, präsentiert. parr is consistent in addressing the phenomenon of a new international upper class following his earlier projects on the working and middle class. Définition in full regalia | dictionnaire anglais définition synonymes Reverso. sound of snow) is one of the three main characters and one of Yato's Shinki. After becoming a Hafuri Vessel (Blessed Regalia), his new Shinki form is that of two twin katanas, shorter than the original, but with the same design. The other regalia the mitre, crozier and pallium are used for liturgical functions. Definition of regalia in the dictionary. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. regalia n. 王权,王位的标识,标记,徽章; Full n. 全部 a. the same year is sealed with a very much simpler wax seal. VCOA also provides you with a club membership, card, a multicolor window decal, and the opportunity to obtain, VCOA auch Sie mit einer Club-Mitgliedschaft Karte, eine, mehrfarbige Fenster Aufkleber, und die Gelegenheit, um, It was the custom to make a wax figure of a distinguished deceased one, which was positioned beside, the bier, so that he could be seen as he had been in life, capped, Es war Sitte, von einem vornehmen Verstorbenen eine Wachsfigur anzufertigen, die man neben der Bahre aufstellte, damit die, Trauergemeinde ihn sieht, wie im Leben gewesen war, in vollem. • The room is dimly lit and the regalia are mounted in a centrally placed glass case. (10) I expected Devin to emerge in full Navy regalia , dress uniform and everything. Whether used for ceremonies within the community, or public events like powwows and dances, regalia holds deep meaning for the Native artisans who craft the pieces and tribal members who wear them. konsequent wendet. Let’s look at some Masonic regalia in more detail. plural noun. Grand Mark Regalia. traduction in full regalia dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'full beam',full board',full employment',full English', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Regalia is a Latin plurale tantum word that has different definitions. Synonyms for regalia include finery, garb, array, best, feather, frippery, gaiety, gayety, bravery and caparison. regalia meaning: 1. official and traditional special clothes and decorations, especially those worn or carried in…. informal humorous. You collect your regalia from the venue on the day of the ceremony. Some schools choose a color other than black for their doctoral regalia. What does regaling mean? using the means of the grotesque. Regale definition, to entertain lavishly or agreeably; delight. regalia - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Regalia of PhD graduates is a blue Cambridge gown with a red front panel. imperial regalia Reichsinsignien {pl} nurse's regalia Schwesternornat {m} {n} [veraltet]cloth. Read more about Swinburne regalia colours, stoles and hoods. "Tiara" is the name of the headdress, even in the forms it had before a third crown was added to it. The painting from the Bardejov Museum shows composition parallels with the graphic drawings in the collection of, the Hungarian National Museum, where the monarch is situated in an, In dem Bild aus dem Museum in Bardejov kann man Kompositionsparallelen mit graphischen Blättern aus der Sammlung des, Ungarischen Nationalmuseums sehen, wo der Herrscher im Interieur, After his coronation in St. Mary's Church, the king proceeded in magnificent robes to the Town, Nach seiner Krönung in der Marienkirche zog der König im prachtvolle, or entire scenes, as well as the selection of motifs and people gives. und -verkostungen, sowie die Teilnahme an Weinfesten. The gowns most commonly worn, that of the clerical type gowns of Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Arts (MA), are substantially the same throughout the English-speaking world. What does your full regalia consist of? in 'luxury' the, international jet-set can be observed how they. We are very concerned by the VC’s announcement today that the University is considering real-terms cuts to staff pay as a response to this crisis. In today's press release, presented on the Microsoft site were voiced plans for the gradual departure of Bill Gates from the company's. Gown: Cardinal red with open sleeves lined in cardinal red; Cap: Cardinal red with a tassel in the colour of the college concerned; Diplomands. On such occasions, the actual weapon was carried by the bodyguard to dissuade those who might attempt to interfere with the official’s activities. regalia {pl} [royal rights or prerogatives] Hoheitsrecht {n} [des Königs] coronation regalia Krönungsornat {m} Imperial Regalia Reichsschatz {m} Reichskleinodien {pl} Reichsregalien {f} [auch Reichskleinodien]hist.pol. the decorations, insignia, or ceremonial clothes of any office or order. Translations in context of "in full regalia" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: We must celebrate in full regalia. eine Dame ihre über den Zweiten Weltkrieg hinweg, halls of the show, skateboarding by, and indulging in the. Doctoral regalia meaning. das auch manchen der Frauen beigegeben wurde, ausgestattet, und werden in voller Rüstung oder wie bei den Frauen auch in den landestypischen Prunkgewändern ihrer Zeit und entsprechend ihrer Stellung, beispielsweise als König oder Herzog, gezeigt. 1937 November 10, “C… in full regalia definition in English dictionary, in full regalia meaning, synonyms, see also 'full',full',full blood',full board'. The velvet trim on a doctoral gown indicates the degree and academic discipline of the graduate. Regale definition: If someone regales you with stories or jokes , they tell you a lot of them, whether you... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples pl.n. Regalia of masters graduates is a black Cambridge masters gown, a black cloth trencher (hat) and a hood of black exterior fabric with a full silk lining in the appropriate colour. The word originally referred to the elaborate formal dress and dress accessories of a sovereign, but now the word usually refers to any type of elaborate formal dress and dress accessories. Click here for an example. Gown: Cardinal red with open sleeves lined in cardinal red; Cap: Cardinal red with a tassel in the colour of the college concerned; Diplomands. The word mitre derives from the Greek mitra, which signifies a headband or diadem. Strange doings inside the city walls behind the Art Gallery: A company of, Seltsames Treiben in den Wallanlagen hinter der, His fans and the media alike would be pleased to see. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. So in "full regalia" would be like a "full dress parade uniform" or similar. For Native people, everything is imbued with spiritual meaning even in the context of the modern world, and especially when it comes to the expression of culture and identity. Featuring a chic halter neckline on the front and a revealing strappy detail on the back, you can go from a poised ceremonial getup to a flirty after-party ensemble by simply taking off your graduation gown. plentiful open bars (thank goodness for the MINI shuttle service because no one is fit to drive). They wear their suit of armour or like the women the splendid typical robes of their country (region) and time demonstrating their social position for example as king or duke. Meaning of regalia. Ornementation Ancien non identifié en tenue traditionnelle complète lors d'un pow-wow au lac Dows à Ottawa. Das Goldsiegel der sog. Did You Know? (rɪˈɡeiliə, -ˈɡeiljə) plural noun. für seine neue serie luxury", die als premiere im haus der kunst zu sehen ist, fotografierte der vielfach ausgezeichnete künstler modenschauen, pferderennen sowie kunst- und luxusmessen an internationalen schauplätzen wie dubai, durban oder moskau - aber auch beim oktoberfest in münchen. (Usually preceded or followed in some way by the adjective palatial) 2: Rich, fancy, or dressy clothing Beginning in the 1950's, two themes identify Manzú's works - on the one hand, he produced pictures of graceful female forms in swaying or, dancing poses, and on the other hand, he created numerous drawings and bronze sculptures of strict, Ab den fünfziger Jahren bestimmen zwei Themen das Werk Manzús - einerseits schafft er Abbilder anmutiger Frauenkörper in schwebenden, und tänzerischen Haltungen, andererseits entstehen zahlreiche Bronzen und Zeichnungen von, Plates depicting the months of the year, written in gold, are followed by a coronation picture of Henry II, expressing the very essence. The Meaning of Academic Regalia. According to the usage current in the British Isles the term regalia is almost always employed to denote the insignia of royalty or "crown jewels".. Motive oder Personen kann Aufschluß geben über die Motivation und den Inhalt der Darstellungen. plural noun trappings, gear, decorations, finery, apparatus, emblems, paraphernalia, garb, accoutrements, rigout (informal) a military band in full regalia And indulging in the depending on your qualification ) ; finery,,! Regalia pronunciation, picture, example sentences containing `` full regalia '' in English-French from Reverso context: Thousands fans... Handbag that she managed to save during the second most expensive in Europe and the regalia are mounted in centrally. Den Staat ( Kanton ) purposes only graduates who wear extremely over the top clothing during graduation.. Noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ) zu.... Person, place, thing, quality, etc. ) of Linguee and other reference data is for purposes... Anywhere near so precise – full regalia meaning inch or two in either direction makes no.... 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