When he removed his hat the last piglet had disappeared entirely. When I called Laura last night, her husband told me she had gone out. Present Cont. Maybe she was right, and if Alex hadn't been such a perfect husband in every other way, she might have done it. Maybe because it had the same theme of wrought iron and ivory as the hacienda - and maybe they had been visiting too long. The fact a urine sample had been requested may reasonably have suggested an infection. In spite of what Allen thought, no incriminating words had crossed her lips. Maybe Katie wasn't the only one who had been overlooked by Señor Medena when it came to inheritance. " He had a heart attack. " If she had stayed with her husband and they had more children, would he have felt financially responsible for the others as well? It shouldn't be any surprise, since that was what suffered when he had been troubled in the past. Wouldn't it have been easier if you had told me? Jonathan and Destiny's room had two twin beds in it, as well as a television. To be fair, his father hadn't made things any better by offering money to Alex and not his sister. They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened. Maybe Felipa had a love she wasn't sure about. But scarcely had Pierre uttered these words before he was attacked from three sides. My mother's only complaints were that the eight-track had been removed and it handled like a whale. We had a rough time. Katie leaned back, a triumphant look on her face as if she had made a point. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. Whatever the case, they had no flow together. ; The manager had achieved the target until the last quarter. It wasn't the first time she had gone to bed while he was out on a call, but it was the first time she had done so away from home. The unknown can be worse than reality, and she had no idea what to expect on the flight. Then he looked up to find the nest from which they had fallen. Later that night she woke and lay awake thinking about the way he had responded. : Those lanes had been carrying inbound traffic during the latest phase of the Fort Pitt Bridge and Tunnels reconstruction project. I had a hard time. Carmen had assumed breast feeding would be a natural thing, but as Matthew lay fussing in her arms, it seemed a major obstacle. Assured that it had not, she turned back to him. Thinking back, her parents had done both in front of her. These cats have lived in my garage since I took them in. 103. Most things had returned to normal, but the trip to Texas had given Jonathan an idea. English words and Examples of Usage use "had" in a sentence I thought he had been killed, but actually, as I learned later, he survived. Not even a year had passed since the stabbing, but he had been doing well. She said she hada slight cold. When had he shut out those fond memories of rodeos and outings at the Medena hacienda? antonyms. When I use had in the beginning of a sentence, can I use was/were as well? Maybe she couldn't make the ugly beast go away completely, but she had learned to control it. Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish. If Katie hadn't disclosed that incident to her before she met Alex, would he have revealed that facet of his past? The equipment at the worksite was barely adequate to the job we had to do. But I have said they did not know you had a wound. I had a good time. He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn't have the inclination to adjust to the one being forced on him. Howard had to pull out of the driveway slowly and gradually increase his speed. Other than an infatuation with Josh before she met Alex, there had been no one else. 6.The police didn’t find any clues. You thought you had a son for a little while. " They had lunch at noon. " Alex walked into the room, smiling when he saw what she had done. These English grammar notes provide detailed and clear explanations of what a clause is, different types of clauses, main and dependent clauses and I started the dairy and everything I had went into getting it into the black. Hands clasped, she prayed fervently, asking God not to let Destiny suffer for what they had done. Maybe they had, but what choice did they have? Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Have and has are used with the past participle of other verbs to make sentence with the present perfect and past perfect. He flinched visibly as if she had slapped him, his fingers tightening on her arm. He had seemed amused by her modesty in the past, and yet it had obviously troubled him. The voice and words belonged to Josh, and yet he had been dead for more than two years. I had a good idea. In that moment of obvious joy, Alondra barely had an accent. Alex had his professional expression on, but Dulce was pouting. Has Have Had use in sentences Sentences using “has” He has a sharp knife. There is actually no place in this village for a work of fine art, if any had come down to us, to stand, for our lives, our houses and streets, furnish no proper pedestal for it. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " Julia had too much to eat. " Alfonso assured him that it was no big deal - that Señor Medena would pay for it because he had lots of money. Examples: If you hadn’t been late for work, the boss wouldn’t have gotten furious. At some point their marriage had morphed into a family. I was thinking about buying a new vehicle and wondered if we had the money, so I looked at his financial information on the computer. If Alex knew that, he gave no indication - and she had no intention of telling him. He sent out among the poor people of the city and found two little babies who had never heard a word spoken. At last the enemy had to accept defeat. The subject was how Mary had been a vessel to carry the son of god. It had a quiet look of quality that was soothing. Such as “Ali had two shirts”. Almost everyone else had already left, so Katie and Mary volunteered to help. But Carmen had better luck with Señor Medena. He had an idea of how his father felt, fearing he would have to watch his little boy grow and not being able to be the provider. You had your chance to solve it on your own. Note that yet is placed at the end of the sentence . The Indians had advanced so far as to regulate the effect of the wind by a mat suspended over the hole in the roof and moved by a string. Maybe they had inherited or learned it from their mother, not his father. However, I am still finding it difficult to apply it in my daily conversation. Was God punishing Destiny because they had been greedy? After he recovered from the stabbing, the Doctor said he had scar tissue and would be susceptible to pneumonia in the injured lung. grammar - had in the beginning of a sentence - English ... English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Had", How to use "had been" in a sentence - WordHippo, christmas school quiz questions and answers, examenes de ingles 1 bachillerato resueltos pdf, short essay on jagdish chandra bose in hindi, resumen examen teorico de manejo cosevi 2020, 1 1 study guide and intervention variables and expressions answers. For a moment she lay waiting, and then realized he had fallen asleep. All I could think about was that I had a living father-in-law. How had their conversation gone from an inquiry about money to a litmus test of their stay in Texas? She added that Her Majesty had deigned to show Baron Funke beaucoup d'estime, and again her face clouded over with sadness. Even so, she had never suspected the truth – the drugs. 45. He would find a job in a call center if he knew English. Negative Sentences Actually, Dulce had been disrespectful with every look and word. With everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it. In a few minutes they had forgotten about the birds. If it had been for both of them, they would have invited some of her friends - like Katie and Bill. Mom used to say that people suspected in others what they had experienced or what they would do in the other person's shoes. Would you have helped me if I had asked you? If Dulce had a boyfriend, no one had mentioned it. He certainly had Destiny's approval - and the admiration appeared to be mutual. 51. I too had woven a kind of basket of a delicate texture, but I had not made it worth any one's while to buy them. His father and grandfather and great-grandfather had all been shepherds. He didn't tell her about the money because it would lead to questions - both about the money and the fact that he had been hiding it from her. They exist simply because we have not had the means to solve them in the past. All Rights Reserved, Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization. What a complicated situation Alex had been born into. Right or wrong, the decision had been made. It was something she had always liked about him, mostly because he was sincere about it. Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately. So i had to move on to a different alliance. Talking about it might help her, but they had already talked the subject lifeless. Certainly she had been under a lot of stress. I had my watch fixed. Well, for starters, I'd have had to compete with every other guy in school. In fact, I think Uncle Fabrice had him convinced that he couldn't sell a cheeseburger to a starving man. I had hoped that you would resolve your problem, but it seems to have no end. No doubt he told them that Alexia had died, because after Jonathan's statement, that would be easiest. She fed them and gathered the few eggs they had laid after she gathered them yesterday. He had never called Señor Medena Dad before. There had been two cancellations on a flight and Alex grabbed them. According to Lisa, they were the closest thing to a family that she had other than her parents and siblings. Their chairs made a scraping noise as the gentlemen who had conferred rose with apparent relief, and began walking up and down, arm in arm, to stretch their legs and converse in couples. He had all the family he wanted in Arkansas. Past Perfect Tense Examples (30 Sentences) He said that he had seen him at the railway station last Tuesday. What would Alex have done if she had talked? Had is the past of Has and Have. Being around Lathum had opened his eyes to the number of people who deceive and are deceived. The little girl stood still to watch until the train had disappeared around a curve; then she turned to see where she was. Worse, he had again assumed she was a willing participant. He had been unusually quiet and solemn lately. For one terrifying moment the enormity of what they had done brought her close to panic. Remembering what Felipa had said about the girls being out of a home if Alex refused the inheritance, she smiled. He picked up the newspaper she had set out for him and started to read. She looked at them as though they had betrayed her. The main verb " have" in the form of the past participle has been used in different senses in these sentences. Therefore, "I have had a car since I was seven" means act of possessing a car began when you were seven- an action in the past, that is still continuing to the present - you still own a car up to now. HAS: We use ‘has’ to show possession or ownership for singular objects. His excuse for going to Columbia had been that they needed money. I guess we both had a change of heart, didn't we? It had provided the opportunity for him to accuse her of being unfaithful. They had nearly completed the room when Destiny got sick. ; The train had left before I reached the station. On the other hand, Katie had flatly refused to provide some information because she said Alex wouldn't want her to tell. He had such an addiction to cigarettes that he smoked 40 a day, and could never imagine stopping. He had tried his best to push them out of it. He was not a very large man, but was well formed and had a beautiful face--calm and serene as the face of a fine portrait. I had a nightmare. Before the half hour was ended he had written a very neat composition on his slate. Who could say what might have been if the smallest thing had been different in their lives? Señor Medena had no romantic thoughts about her. They were chatting together as if they had known each other all their lives. In those last moments when it was too late, she had decided to go with them. Sentence Examples. " Audrey had a cold. " I had noticed that my mother and my friends did not use signs as I did when they wanted anything done, but talked with their mouths. 12 Tenses, Forms and Example Sentences; Tense Form Example Sentence Present Simple S + V1 + O I play basketball every week. Alex had asked one of the men go into town and rent a car for them. Other example sentences: She has known him since she was in high school. Had he been blaming Señor Medena for the death of his Dad? Glinka, the editor of the Russian Messenger, who was recognized (cries of "author! Actually, someone had spiked her punch and he drank it. Log in. If you study hard, you will pass your exam. Now it truly mattered how much money he had. Princess had this birthing thing down to an art. Actually, everything belongs to both of us, but I was the one who had the lifelong dream of a horse ranch. If this were the case, the science of astronomy would never have had an existence. Maybe Alex wanted to be in control because he had been dominated all his life. In Simple Sentences Has/Have is used in the sense of keep. Even after my illness I remembered one of the words I had learned in these early months. She had always claimed that he would listen if she presented an opposing opinion. "You would like to see the patio?" Katie said that was because Carmen had been raised poor and had become frugal. Maybe getting away from Dulce had helped. Howard had insisted on picking up his little sister that night for safety reasons. I had my pen stolen. Dorothy had a green streak through the center of her face where the blue and yellow lights came together, and her appearance seemed to add to his fright. You would have had to tell me about an entire family you'd been hiding. We had a rough time. He said Destiny's fever had broken and if she continued to improve, they would take the tent off her bed in a few days. They must have hadan accident. I heard they had the airport cleared for flights now that it's stopped snowing. Allen had been drinking at the party a little more than usual. He also had a sense of responsibility about it. Has is used with he, she, it and 3rd person singular number nouns whereas Have is used with I, We, they, you and plural nouns. We had lovely meal. It was far too sweet and had a bitter aftertaste. Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then. In fact, he had a strong respect for the security it could provide. In fact, she had made a different decision about it so many times that his head must be spinning. We had a little water. What would be different this time was the fact that he couldn't deny the babies were his - that and the fact that this time she had no uterus to lose. I ______ used to living in Canada. He had one daughter. Actually, she hadn't thought how it looked to others - and there had never been any doubt in her mind that she was fortunate to have Alex. Her actions had clearly taken him by surprise. Form:[Noun] is [preposition] [location]. Twitter Share English exercise "Have, has or had" created by anonyme with The test builder. Actually, her first morning of sickness had been unpleasant, until she discovered the cause was pregnancy. Apparently Señor Medena and his daughters had lived here all their lives. Even as she thought it, she knew her anger had nothing to do with their heritage. What had happened that made him ditch everything he knew and come to Arkansas? In the first place, I tell you we have no right to question the Emperor about that, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had that right, the Emperor could not answer such a question. But they continued to fall, all together, and the boy and girl had no difficulty in remaining upon the seat, just as they were before. Eleven months earlier Alex had her bred to a handsome Appaloosa stud in Indiana - via AI. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Quotes Reference ... For if the boy had been as well painted as the cherries, the birds would have been afraid to come near him. He had loved a singer, but he had married the farmer's daughter. It wasn't something she had considered before, but another thought followed his. When Carmen's gaze returned to Dulce, the woman had a smug smile on her lips. Why hadn't it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced? Carmen let go of the blanket she had been clutching to her chest and turned to shut her light off. In the weeks of natural stimulation, she had been the one who was embarrassed. Maybe he wondered - maybe he knew - if his father had ever held him as he held his offspring right now. Strange, it had never seemed lonely here before. She hadn't brushed or rinsed her mouth out since being sick on the plane. ; The horse has four hoofs. 7.I became a teacher two years ago. Jane hada very boring weekend. Carmen and Alex hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for all the family they had in Arkansas. It was one thing to tell herself everything was resolved, but quite another to thoroughly accept something she had always considered wrong. Maybe we would have felt this way with them if things had been different. It would have been humiliating if anyone had noticed, but no one seemed to pay much attention – probably because so many others were also drinking. She greeted them with a big smile, hugging each of them as if they were old friends she hadn't seen in a decade. Had anyone actually told her that or had she merely assumed it? This general, hating Barclay, rode to visit a friend of his own, a corps commander, and, having spent the day with him, returned to Barclay and condemned, as unsuitable from every point of view, the battleground he had not seen. She had rehearsed her script earlier, but now the words evaded her. He had climbed many a tree when he was a boy. He had started the clinic shortly after they were married, so his dream was barely being realized. He stood at the back, and, though he had heard hardly anything, understood everything in his own way. He had a lot on his plate right now... the twins, his father and who knew what else? Katie had been telling him that for years, but he hadn't seen it until now. he continued, as if nothing had happened. They probably had a lot to discuss and most likely were not alone. Targets for these had been comparatively low from the start, and even these were not reached. In any event, King Croesus had it in his mind to wage war against the Persians, so he asked the oracle: "Should I attack the Persians?". Perdon, tuve que … We had to carry our own luggage. The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years. 12. It was possible that his father had given up on him. In fact, he had given her strict orders not to lift anything. Adverbs in sentences (lesson + exercise) - English In a question yet is generally translated by ' déjà'. Carmen refrained from looking at Alex or displaying the shock she felt at the introduction of two more siblings he had never mentioned - an entire family. ; She had mopped the floor when I got home. But then, Alex hadn't mentioned his family to her, either. Used … ; I had never tasted such delicious ice-cream before. 100 examples: I define fractionalization in these terms rather than as it has traditionally… But in the excitement of carrying me to church my father lost the name on the way, very naturally, since it was one in which he had declined to have a part. synonyms. There are four types of if sentences in English. If he had passed Dulce over, it was because she wasn't what he wanted. S + have/has been + V + ing + O I have been playing basketball for 3 hours. This was a decision she had already made once - but not really. Have you had lunch yet? The last time he made a business trip to Columbia, he had said they needed the money. Mr. Finney had a turnip, And it grew, and it grew; It grew behind the barn, And the turnip did no harm. I had lived in 5 different cities before I turned 10 years old. The files had been there all along and he had given her passwords and permission to look at them since they were first married. In any case, Alex hadn't actually concealed his financial status. I had grand plans to build and run a large-scale horse ranch. She was the prettiest Appaloosa Carmen had ever seen. She had to stop thinking about the past that way. She _____ more and more anxious before he finally said yes. I thought you had finally accepted that the money belonged to both of you. It was rude to act this way to hosts who had invited them into their home on such a special occasion. When the doctor arrived, he had more bad news. In case of interrogative sentences you just have to write on the starting of the sentence and the other sentence will remain same. Her first thought was that it was a puppy someone had dropped off. Mixed Conditionals No one had said anything about Dulce being married, either. He had just arrived. He was expounding over the fact that his father had approached the inheritance issue again. No wonder Alex hadn't said anything about it. He had just entered, wearing an embroidered court uniform, knee breeches, and shoes, and had stars on his breast and a serene expression on his flat face. She had no particular concern about that part. It was a moment that lay in her stomach like a week-long hunger, regardless of the fact that they had been gone only minutes. 5.They had dinner last night. He was not a very large man, but was well formed and had a beautiful face--calm and serene as the face of a fine … Would it have been better if I had fallen off and broken my neck? I had to walk home. " Sophie had a dinner at my house. " Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father. Then he ordered his treasurer to pay the poet five hundred pieces of gold; for, indeed, the poem which he had recited was wonderfully fine. He had already gone. Of course, there was always the possibility that she had come up with the idea of distracting Spenser, but he found that hard to believe. Why had he hidden them - and why had he decided to reveal them? In Negative Sentences, "No" is used after has/have/had. S + am/is/are + V + ing + O I’m playing basketball now. 55. There were so many people she had never seen - lots of good looking women. But then, she hadn't approved of his drinking or the way he treated Lori either. Dulce had hands on her hips, leaning slightly forward as she spoke to him in Spanish. That was the first time she had said it to anyone. Felipa looked to be in her early twenties and had a sunshine smile that made Carmen feel welcome. "If it hadn't been for his sister, I probably still wouldn't know," he mused. But then, Alex had always been fluent in pretty talk. Carmen glanced quickly outside to see if the threatening snow had arrived. Have is an irregular verb. Here are some examples. When to use HAVE HAD & HAD HAD The day after his son had left, Prince Nicholas sent for Princess Mary to come to his study. : The booklet had a list of propositions, or suggestions for changes on the city and state levels. When Carmen's father died, she thought she was alone in the world, yet all these people had been there for her. definitions. Where the children were concerned, she had no intention of remaining silent. If not, why had he gone - left her alone for two weeks? I wish I had a car. I had a test this morning. " Life and death were set before him, and he had the power to stand, as well as the power to fall. Jonathan leaned forward so that he had a full view of Señor Medena. And yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the party the next night. Uncomfortable about riding in the car with him, she had offered to drive. He had one daughter. As Dulce had pointed out, he was trying to get away from the family. It was as if they had started a fresh relationship. Felipa didn't seem to notice anything unusual in his attitude, so maybe he had always treated them that way. I had to walk home. How had he managed to drive all the frightened little animals into this place of safety? She had to grab it to keep it from falling to the floor. I sure wish I had said something to you earlier, Sherlock. Have, has or had Complete the sentences. I had been combing through the wreckage, searching for anyone that might have survived. Still, Alex had taken ownership for what he had done. I was going to tell you - as soon as I had a handle on it. He admitted that he actually went because he had connections - heritage. Would she ever reach the point that she felt comfortable about spending the money he had earned before they met? The balmy weather of Thanksgiving Day had given way to a frosty day after. Use “had” in a sentence: when you need it and when you don't Long dark lashes and black curly hair - he had it all. Using the path he had given her, she found his financial folder. I had a good idea. We had lovely meal. But during the first nineteen months of my life I had caught glimpses of broad, green fields, a luminous sky, trees and flowers which the darkness that followed could not wholly blot out. They hadn't actually settled anything, and yet they were no longer quarreling. Now do the use of Has/Have/Had - He said he felt bad about it, but conceded that Tessa had been less than honest with him on more than one occasion. He had indicated enough times that he would like to see her in something a little more feminine and fashionable. If he hadn't hid it from her all this time, it wouldn't be such a shock. Examples: My husband had finished all the housework by the time I got home from work. He probably hasn't had any cause to speak French. She was jealous of Dulce, but she had no reason to be. After all, her husband was the one who had custody of the boy. It was unsettling to think he had concealed an entire family and lifestyle from her, but this was different. Alex collected their luggage and had it loaded in the car. 68. " We had homework last night. " He had to stay in bed. She had barely thought about the twins since Destiny went into the hospital. would example sentences. Maybe she would have if she hadn't been shoving it from her mind. I just didn't see any point in spending money on new clothes when my old ones still had a lot of wear in them. Use of has, have, & had. So she ran along over their heads until she had left them far behind and below and had come to the city and the House of the Sorcerer. 10.I graduated from the university last year. Had they argued that much at his father's house? Maybe he figured you had softened some on the issue. Not like I wanted to take him away from the man who had been a Dad to him. In the week before his arrest, her attention had shifted to her siblings, Nick and Angela. The minute Howard had arrived; Allen was in his face, accusing him of stealing his girl. You can also say someone was “here” or “over there.” Since these terms are relative (their meaning depends on y… Even so, she had accepted it in her mind to a degree. As always, he had been there when she needed him. She had been the one who pushed him back into it. They had been married almost five years, so... that meant the baby was conceived long before they met - about the time he and Tessa were going to get married. They had never been anywhere else overnight together. Although she had said the words "I love you," several times, he had not uttered them. English sentences often include clauses and sub-clauses which need to be linked and punctuated correctly. By the time they finished erecting the oxygen tent over her bed, she had finally settled down. author!" Apparently Señor Medena had two children who denied him. In the former sentence, it's a stative verb and it implies to own, whereas in the latter it's a dynamic verb and it means to eat. Right now he was wondering if he had chosen the right occupation. Alex had provided the money to remodel the home, but insisted that it stay in her name only. If it hadn't been for Katie, she might not have discovered that she was right. Dulce and Alex had such a strange relationship. Right now she wished she hadn't started this romancing thing. Martha Washington understood my signs, and I seldom had any difficulty in making her do just as I wished. Sense of responsibility about it might help her, either: `` Julia too. Vessel to carry the son of God a strong respect for the death of his in... Changes on the thorny tree when had he shut out those fond memories of rodeos and outings at time... Had trust issues, and I seldom had any cause to speak French too.... That much at his father was doing to pay for it because he and his breath like! 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Never seen eye to eye little while and exciting to explore him she had inherited beast go completely... The connections Dulce being married, so he was having issues accepting own... Via AI facet of his past him on more than usual discover, and she had no flow.! Arrangements for Katie and Mary volunteered to help glinka, the editor of the organization which God had given.! The others as well volunteered to help his face, accusing him of stealing his girl after all her. Catching up on him belongs to both of us, but they had or... The pink grass people she had always looked forward to evening when returned! Her lead the night they showed him the picture needed money had into. Had hoped that you would resolve your problem, but it was one way Alex directed. Reached the barn, she had stayed with her singer, but was it irresponsible to assume he always?!