The sea holiday was the narrator’s mother’s past and her mother’s laughter is the narrator’s past. A … While the poet’s favouritemoment from the past was her mother’s laughter. “See BettyAnd Dolly,” she’d say, “and look how theyDressed us for the beach.” The sea holidaywas her past, mine is her laughter. Explain: ‘The cardboard shows me how it was’. Elizabeth JenningsD. Q. Q4. Markus Natten, 2. It was a scene taken from a beach where she had gone with her cousins and her uncle for a sea holiday. Her mother died about 12 years ago.10. They all underwent changes while the sea stood still. How is the poet able to remember her mother’s childhood? Her mother had a sweet face, but it was a time before she was born. Years fled past since then. However, precisely because they cannot be relived, there will always be a tinge of difficulty letting them go completely. In the picture, there are three girls who are walking on the beach holding each other’s hands. 3. She is around twelve years old when the picture was taken. They went for paddling where her mother’s uncle captured the photo in between the moment. And of this circumstanceThere is nothing to say at all, Its silence silences. Q.4. How many phases were depicted in the poem by the poet?A. Dressed us for the beach.” The sea holiday, Also, see -  Class 12 English Chapter wise Explanation. In the last stanza, the poet shares that her mother is dead as many years ago as was her age in the photograph. 6. school memoriesC. This laugh indicates her remembering her past. Both the cousins were holding the hands of her mother who was the oldest among the girls. After twenty-thirty years later, she would laugh at the photograph. All the three of them stood smiling through their hair while the photo was taken. The poem ‘A Photograph’ is written by Shirley Toulson. Answer: The poem presents the poet as a sensitive person who is quite affectionate towards her mother and is deeply attached to her. All three of them left their wet hair open and smiled at the camera. (a) Cousins, Betty and Dolly(b) Parents(c) Cousins, Dolly and Adam(d) Friends, Question 8.How many people were in the photograph? holding handsD. Her poems were first collected into nine volumes around the third century B.C., but her work was lost almost entirely for many years. A. Shirley Toulson B. Rudyard Kipling C. Elizabeth Jennings D. Markus Natten. The first stanza refers to the childhood of the poet’s mother. It was her mother’s favourite past memories. Ans. Time fled past since then and all those who are in the photograph underwent changes while the sea remained the same. Ans. Ans. She would tell me to look at her cousins, Betty and Dolly and how their parents would dress all three of them up for the beach. Amongst it all, a Los-Angeles based poetess is all set to make history at the presidential inauguration as she becomes the 'youngest poet in memory' to ever read in such a ceremony. Q1. And the sea, which appears to have changed less, Q. twelveD. Ans: The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot recalling her favourite past memories. Who had taken the photograph? Ans. her mother’s memoriesB. The sea holiday Was her past, mine is … The girl cousins went paddling with mother holding her hand. She was holding the hands of her cousins who were on the side of her. First, the distant past that is the mother’s childhood. What do you learn about the poet’s mother from the photograph? Ans. 1. Both wryWith the laboured ease of loss. Now, the poet’s mother had been dead for the past twelve years, which is the same number as of her age when the photograph was taken back then. four, 19. Terribly transientB. Q5. When the two girl cousins went paddling, Does this suggest something to you? The silence of the whole situation silences the poet and leaves her quiet. The poem is a tribute to the poet’s mother. What was the last phase in the poem?A. They went for paddling on a beach holiday. The poet is recalling her mother’s old memories while looking at the photograph. Rahel Bluwstein is rightfully considered the “founding mother” of modern Hebrew poetry by women. In the first stage, a photograph depicts the poet’s 12-year old mother, enjoying the beach with her two cousins. The loss of the holiday and the laughter was easy because these things have to be accepted as a part of life. Behind the laugh is also a feeling of pain that those days won’t be back. 4. The silence of the photograph silences the poet.11. Ans. Third, the present, when the poetess is looking at the photograph and is thinking about all this time that has passed. How does the poet feel when she remembers the sea holiday of her mother? While the sea which touched their feet in that beach holiday hadn’t changed over the years. A. age is temporaryD. twelve years ago, 5. Tone of the poem is therefore sad. She secured a B.A. threeD. fourteen year old, 4. She experiences great loss. What would the mother show to her daughter while showing her the photograph?A. Second, the recent past, when the poetess and her mother were discussing the photograph. Explain the contrast given in the last two lines of the first stanza. Both wryWith the laboured ease of loss’. It is still the same. The last stanza refers to the last phase of life – the death of the poet’s mother. The poet could not help but notice her mother’s sweet face. Ans. })(window, document);, Class 12 English Chapter wise Explanation, CBSE Class 11 English Lessons - summary and explanation, Chapter 1 The Portrait of a Lady CBSE Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together CBSE Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 3 Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 4 Landscape of the Soul Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 5 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 6 The Browning Version Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 7 The Adventure Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 8 Silk Road Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 1 Snapshots Book The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 2 Snapshots Book The Address Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 3 Snapshots Book Ranga’s Marriage Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 4 Snapshots Book Albert Einstein at School Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 5 Snapshots Book Mother’s Day Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 6 Snapshots Book The Ghat of the Only World Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 7 Snapshots Book Birth Class 11 English Lesson, Chapter 8 Snapshots Book The Tale of Melon City Class 11 English Lesson, Poem 1 A Photograph Class 11 English Lesson, Poem 2 The Laburnum Top Class 11 English Lesson, Poem 3 The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Lesson, Poem 5 Father to Son Class 11 English Lesson, CBSE Class 11 English syllabus 2020 (English core, subject code 301), Learn English Grammar in Hindi ( step by step) - Learn English Online Videos, English Writing Skills - Class 10, 12 Letter Formats, Email etc, Entrance Exams for Arts students after Graduation, List of Entrance Exams conducted by IGNOU. Why did they smile through their hair? sadD. Poet’s father, 3. The sea symbolises eternity and immortality. When the adjective for one noun like life is transferred to another noun like feet, it is called transferred epithet. 1. This is an indication of the fun and joy she had experienced during the beach holiday and she had fond memories of that particular incident. The poetess wanted to show that change is the only static thing in life. Ans: The words ‘this circumstance’ refers to the present situation of the poet which is the painful memories of her mother who have been deceased twelve years ago. 'Text' by Carol Ann Duffy is all about the text messages we type on our mobile phones. That’s why the poet has used the words, ‘that girl’. In the above lines, the poet describes how the photograph was taken. ‘Both’ refers to the sea holiday as remembered by her mother and the poet remembering her mother’s laughing face. Cousins, Dolly and AdamD. Alliteration - repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of two or more consecutive words. Cousins, Betty and DollyB. Which material was the frame of the photograph made of?A. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Q. C. thirteen years ago. Q. “See BettyAnd Dolly,” she’d say, “and look how theydressed us for the beach.”. The photograph was taken long before the poet was born. Ans: The camera has captured the poet’s mother and her two cousins, Betty and Dolly, on the beach. For the poet, her laughter is an incident of the past. Both these now belong to the past. Ans. Ans. They will always be seen as loss. They were escorted by the uncle, who clicked the camera. This word had been used in the poem because the picture is very old when the cardboard was used as a photo frame. What is the meaning of the word ‘wry’?A. What does this laugh indicate? I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. Ans. Also See: CBSE Class 11 English Lessons - summary and explanation. She doesn’t want think about the photograph anymore because it brings the pain of loss to her mind. Variation of Intuitive Aptitude. They smiled through their hair because they were posing for a photograph. Born in Prowent, which has since become part of Kórnik, she later resided in Kraków until the end of her life. As that girl lived. 2. It is a part of life and on thinking of it, one really has no words to express how one feels.The silence of the whole situation silences the poet and leaves her quiet. Through theirC. CardboardB. For the poet both these bring great sadness and an acute sense of loss. Maria Wisława Anna Szymborska (Polish: [viˈswava ʂɨmˈbɔrska]; 2 July 1923 – 1 February 2012) was a Polish poet, essayist, translator and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature. if(k.className == "adPushupAds" && k.getAttribute("data-push") != "1") { Some twenty- thirty- years laterShe’d laugh at the snapshot. Nature is perennial while human life is temporary or transient. Both wry The beach holiday was her mother’s favourite past memories while her laugh was the poet's favourite memory. 5. And of this circumstance Rahel’s affiliation with the avant-garde group of Second Aliyah pioneers, her dedication to Zionist ideals and her agonizing death, made her a symbol in the eyes of the Israeli public—and her mythic status persists to this day. The mother’s laughter that used to echo in the house when she was alive has now become the poet’s past. Ans. twenty-five, 12. They are paddling in the water. Plastic, 7. Who are on both sides of her mother?A. twenty-threeC. In the past photographs used to be fixed on a cardboard and hung from the wall for everyone to see it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Question 1.What was the last phase in the poem? Human life itself is temporary not the feet. Similarly, thinking of her mother’s laughter brought a sad smile to the poet’s face because although that laughter was now gone she was glad to have once had it in her life. Rudyard KiplingC. What was the favourite memory of the poet?A. What did this laugh indicate? The poet is sad about her mother’s demise twelve years ago and her laugh is her favourite past memory. The big girl was the poet’s mother. (a) Her grandfather(b) Her uncle(c) Her mother’s friend(d) Her grandmother, Question 7.Who are on both sides of her mother? The sea holiday brought a sad smile (wry) to the mother’s face because she couldn’t relive it but was glad that she once had. It seems to wash their feet which by nature, are transient because human life is short-lived as compared to nature. Q. Q. Her uncle took the photograph then. There is nothing to say at all. Wry – ironic; mocking. Ans. The former poet laureate meditates on the activity of texting and shares her thoughts regarding it in this poem. In this poem, she recalls her mother and her memories while looking at a childhood photograph when her mother was twelve years old or so. Her uncleC. } Those are just the memories. the background, 15. Check NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English (Hornbill - Poetry) Chapter 1: A Photograph These solutions are very helpful for the preparation of CBSE 11th English. She is actually deliberating over the change in our mode of communication. It kept the memory of the mother and for the mother alive. The ability to possess knowledge and skill in poetry. It is her mother when she was twelve years old or so. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. The camera has captured some happy moments from the childhood of the poet’s mother. and the sea holiday was her past and her daughter is the poets present . The sea in the picture is still the same today and has changed very less. How many people were in the photograph?A. She has been deceased twelve years ago and she cannot explain her grief on her mother’s loss. Both of them lost something. three girlsC. About poet’s childhood memories B. tribute to the poet’s mother C. Poet’s photograph D. Poet’s father. 1. Who is the poet/poetess of the poem ‘A Photograph’? While the poet has lost his mother twelve years ago and she misses her a lot and recalls her laughing and pointing out the outfits they used to wear at the beach holidays. She looked back at the photograph and remembered how their parents would dress them up for the beach holiday. The silence of the whole situation silences the poet and leaves her quiet. Poet’s photographD. Why has this word been used? The poet calls their feet ‘terrible transient’ as they were so young by then and now they had grown older. She has no words to describe her grief. 8. thirteen years oldC. Ans. She also remembers the sweet laughter of her mother. ParentsC. Te poetess is quite sensitive to the pain she feels after the loss of her mother. Shirley ToulsonB. Ans. The mother was the eldest of the three, 12 years old, and had a lovely face. (a) eleven years old(b) thirteen years old(c) twelve years old(d) fourteen year old, Question 10.Who is the poet/poetess of the poem ‘A Photograph’? Q.3. She died twelve years ago. Human being has a life span and has to die one day. her childhood memories, 14. The girl in the middle is the poet’s mother. After twenty-thirty years, her mother would laugh at the photograph. While they were paddling on the beach, their uncle photographed their sweet smile in a camera.4. 1 Capabilities 2 Applications 3 Technique 4 Associations 5 Known Users 6 Gallery The user possessesgreat knowledge and skill in poetry, the form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. Both wryD. Line 16 – 19: twenty-oneB. two years agoB. (a) ironic(b) cry(c) sad(d) None of the above, Question 4.What was the favourite memory of the poet? But after nine years they divorced on March 1969. two girlsB. What are they? Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: Some twenty- thirty- years latershe’d laugh at the snapshot. Ans. ironicB. Her mother would look at the photograph after about twenty or thirty years and laugh at this photo nostalgically.8. The girl in the middle is the tallest and oldest, the other two girls on each side are younger than her. Now she has nothing to say at all. 1. When did her mother die ?A. Line 10 – 13: What does she feel in the last phase?A. her cousinsC. The poem delineates three distinct stages in the transit of life. It brought joy to her when she looked at the snapshot. eleven years oldB. Poetess is quite affectionate towards her mother? a photograph conveys the message of impermanence of.! Photograph '' by Shirley Toulson B. Rudyard Kipling C. Elizabeth Jennings D. Markus Natten all!, whose loss was greater during her seaside holiday been twelve years ago 16 – 19: she’s! Wanted to show that change is the poem a photograph a fun loving woman she’s. Sound of ‘ s ’ has been twelve years ago and she can not explain her grief on mother. She’S been dead for the sea holiday in the first stanza managed to a... Looked back to her childhood with nostalgia and remembered how their parents would them. And hung from the photograph grew older dead nearly as many years her. And of this circumstanceThere is nothing to say at all, Its silence silences the... The future first Lady, Jill Biden, herself 2005 ) smile through their hair ’ mode of.! It brings the pain of loss about man 's transient life Photograph’ is written by Shirley Toulson Rudyard. What does the poet calls their feet has changed very less moments from the wall for to! This circumstance there is nothing to say at all, Its silence silences … who. 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