"Tommy can run faster than his sister" is an example of a sentence containing an elliptical clause. Step 2: So to get all those strings together first we will join each string in a given list of strings. There now remain only the transept and choir, a unique example of the Early Pointed style. During his stay in England he :'made use of the unique collection of materials for the revolutionary period preserved at the British Museum to complete his Histoire de la Revolution Franraise 12 vols. We can create a unique bridesmaid gift or bridesmaid jewelry for that special day. Find all anagrams of words, names or sentences. 207+30 sentence examples: 1. The water-supply of Moharek is probably unique. It is in this reign that Asser applies to Alfred the unique title of secundarius, which seems to indicate a position analogous to that of the Celtic tanist, a recognized successor, closely associated with the reigning prince. The only unique feature is the occurrence of a large and a small conical tower at the southern end, which Bent and others considered to be representatives of the human phallus. Although unique in character and of priceless value to the student, Domesday will be found disappointing and largely unintelligible to any but the specialist. Interested in reading more about RegEx? The Meridian DSP loudspeakers combine excellent acoustic and drive-unit technology, with multiple built-in power amps and unique performance-enhancing DSP and digital conversion systems. Loring has unique architecture which divides the dining areas into sections, creating cozy private spaces for groups. Online Article Spinner. at Medinet Habu, sculptured with very interesting scenes from his Syrian, Libyan and other wars and from religious festivals, is remarkable also for the unique entrance-tower which probably formed part of the royal palace. Because the restaurant sells food items from twelve different countries, it has a unique menu. 525. The holiday was a complete surprise - I only found out about it the day before we left. SANTA CRUZ METRO The sisters ' music is a unique amalgam of influences. A unique and highly successful experiment merits mention, by which the cool pure air of Luray Cavern is forced through all the rooms of the Limair sanatorium erected in 1901, by Mr T. Wines Of Portugal In the north-east of Portugal, not far from the town of Oporto - from which it takes its name and whence it is exported - is produced the wine, unique in its full-bodied and generous character, known as port. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Denver has an excellent selection of fun and unique restaurants. All these treesthe plum, the cherry and the peachbear no fruit worthy of the name, nor do they excel their Occidental representatives in wealth of blossom, but the admiring affection they inspire in Japan is unique. 2 The serpent too (whose unique form preoccupied the early men) shall be humiliated, as a perpetual warning to man - who is henceforth his enemy - of the danger of reasoning on and disobeying the will of God. The earliest known edition of the Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs (of which an unique copy is extant) dates back to 1567, though the contents were probably published in broad sheets during John Wedderburn's lifetime. An interesting application of continued fractions to establish a unique correspondence between the elements of an aggregate of m dimensions and an aggregate of n dimensions is given by G. Quite unique in this respect are the numerous histories of India, from the first invasion of Sultan Mabmud of Ghazni to the English conquest, and even to the first decades of the present century, most of which have been described and partly translated in the eight volumes of Sir H. Doubtless many editions have perished without leaving a trace of their existence, while others are known by unique copies. His preaching was a unique combination of rhetorical splendour and scholarly richness; his piety that of an ancient saint, semi-ascetic and unearthly in its selfdenial. Try out Spruce , our experimental quotations search engine. In this kind of chiselling the Japanese artist can claim to be unique as well as unrivalled. They came over with William the Conqueror and settled at Kilravock in 1293, since which date son has succeeded father without the interposition of a collateral heir, an instance of direct descent unique in Scottish history. Darian moved away from the door and kept to the edge of the room, sensing he was only welcomed because he was in the unique position to defend everyone there if the Other started blasting people. Sentence Examples. The Gathas are quite unique in their kind. 147 Thus, though the psalms represent a great range of individual religious experience, they avoid such situations and expressions as are too unique to be used in acts of public devotion. In the same spirit he carried out the immense and unique trust imposed upon him by the allies when they placed him in command of the international army by which France was to be occupied, under the terms of the second peace of Paris, for five years. Despite the general recognition of these facts, the pharmacology of colchicum has hitherto thrown no light on the pathology of gout, and the pathology of gout has thrown no light upon the manner in which colchicum exerts its unique influence upon this disease. We're not sure what this Magician is, but her powers are … unique and dangerous. Rückgabetypen Return Types. The definition of unique is one of a kind. I used to maintain this site to give me practice learning new web frameworks. A noteworthy example appears in the account of the unique powers entrusted to Ezra (vii. By his concert with the other powers in the affair of Mehemet Ali, the tsar had abdicated his claim to a unique influence at Constantinople, and he began to revive the idea of ending the Ottoman rule in Europe, an idea which he had only unwillingly abandoned in 1829 in response to the unanimous opinion of his advisers. filter_none For more information, see OVER Clause (Transact-SQL). A large additional space for exhibits was made in 1904, when the western half of the second floor was added, and the building as now arranged contains the large bronzes and statues on the ground floor; a gallery of Pompeian frescoes in the entresol; the library, picture gallery and small bronzes on the first floor; and the glass, jewelry, arms, papyri, gems, and the unique collection of ItaloGreek vases, on the second floor. , People pay millions of the dollars for the artist’s unique sculptures. They were a unique product of rabbinism; and the authors of the system were also the compilers of its literary expression, the Talmud. Um beispielsweise alle Buchstaben "a", egal ob groß oder klein, zu finden, verwendet man folgenden regulären Ausdruck: "[Aa]" Möchte man alle Zeichen finden, die nicht in der Liste stehen, die Liste also negieren, so muss das erste Zeichen in der Liste ein Caret "^" sein. Example Input: I am a peaceful soul and blissful soul. But his principal work was Historiae Philippicae in forty-four In the trogon of Cuba, Prionotelus, they are most curiously scooped out, as it were, at the extremity, and the lateral pointed ends diverge in a way almost unique among birds. This laboratory, unique of its kind at the time, in conjunction with Liebig's unrivalled gifts as a teacher, soon rendered Giessen the most famous chemical school in the world; men flocked from every country to enjoy its advantages, and many of the most accomplished chemists of the 19th century had to thank it for their early training. His personal influence, already unique, was much increased by his removal to London. Article rewriter tool uses unique synonyms to create plagiarism free content. As some of its evidence is unique, the question of its authority is important, and Freeman's conclusions have been practically confirmed by recent discussion. [size – shape – color] A very remarkable condition of the blood-system, unique, as far as is yet known among the Arthropoda, is found in a few genera of parasitic Copepoda (Lernanthropus, Mytilicola). ; reverse dictionary is a website that allows you to find words based on their definition. Compound sentence. Insightful and qualified staff provides beer novices much-needed information about the brewery's unique beer catalog. He wasn't sure what her gift was or what she was trying to do, but he'd never met a Natural with her unique combination of power and strength. Dictionary ! Two festivals are held in the town, a less important one in October, the other, on the 24th and 25th of May, unique for its gathering of gipsies who come in large numbers to do honour to the tomb of their patroness Sara, contained in the crypt below the apse. It is an unique discipline to bring people into inner calm. It is this fact which gives it a unique interest and importance in the history of Europe, and which unites the ideas of the Germans to-day with those of Charlemagne and Otto the Great. The extra funds being provided to the NHS give us a unique opportunity to improve. But unfortunately, MS-Word doesn’t have this important feature to find duplicate phrases. To put all suspicion at rest, Lord Derby sent his unique specimen for exhibition at a meeting of the Zoological Society, on the 12th of February 1833 (Proc. 0. photo artistry aside, this is where experience and my expertise as a climber places me in a unique position. his unique power of self-consciousness and self -criticism, is obliterated. You must use at least 2 words. It seized on the prophetic element, and not the ceremonial, as containing what is essential and unique in the religion of Israel. Sie ist erforderlich. For example: This lets us get only the unique words in the array. Next set aside your unique bankroll plus half your winnings. There’s no one right way to open your cover letter, but there are a few techniques you can try to make your letter … The English reformers realized this fact; and notwithstanding their insistence on the unique authority of the canon of Scripture, their appeal to the fathers as representatives of the teaching of the undivided Church was as wholehearted as that of the Tridentine divines. 2, 3 the construction of St50vae followed by Kai instead of infinitive or Iva is unique in this book. In the trades of bookselling and publishing Leipzig occupies a unique position, not only taking the first place in Germany, but even surpassing London and Paris in the number and total value of its sales. admire who have fully rounded personalities and unique characteristics. Sentences Menu. This" government within a government "was secured in all its privileges, its profits as heretofore being appropriated to allowances to members of the royal family and the maintenance and development of" works of public utility "in Belgium and the Congo, those works including schemes for the embellishment of the royal palaces and estates in Belgium and others for making Ostend" a bathing city unique in the world. Method 3 : Using numpy.unique. Francke's Collegium orientale theologicum, a practical school of biblical and oriental philology then quite unique, and the author of an annotated Hebrew Bible and various exegetical works of reputation, especially the Adnotationes uberiores in hagiographos (1720). Given a sentence. See more. phraseup.com: "Gutsy unique" These are not sentences, but sometimes you'll get good collocations. It has been called Roman, but is later. share the properties common to the group of aromatic acids, which, as a group, are antiseptic without being toxic to man - a property practically unique; are unstable in the body; are antipyretic and analgesic; and diminish the excretion of urea by the kidneys. You may return the list in any order. The sentence always ends with a period. Amenophis caused a series of large scarabs unique in their kind to be engraved with the name and parentage of his queen Taia, followed by varying texts commemorating like medals the boundaries of his kingdom, his secondary marriage with Gilukhipa, daughter of the king of Mitanni. Set is a Collection which contains no duplicate elements. It does not appear as altogether unique, but it is put among the other sacred books. The propositions which deal with actual existence are still of a unique type, with whatever limitation to the calculus. Learn more. Yully, the third woman who would become her sister, was just as unique with a heart equal to that of any of the women. different example sentences. We note here that though Ritschl gives Jesus a unique and unapproachable position in His active relation to the kingdom, he declines to rise above this relative teaching. Can something be very unique or somewhat unique? Example sentences with the word perspective. allogeneic cord blood stem cell transplant have the unique option of using stem cells from two different donors. Find out what services are available in your area. This mechanism as a whole is unique, although, as Sars observes, the epipod of the first maxillipeds has a respiratory function also in the Lophogastridae and Mysidae and in the cheliferous isopods. However, at the moment I'm between frameworks and haven't updated it in ages, and don't have time to maintain the old code properly and securely as my web server pushes on to PHP 7 and beyond. This unique ability was discovered recently and she is as shocked as anyone about possessing it. or Is John here? It becomes the assertion; historically, providentially, the expectation of a unique religious figure arose - " the " Messiah; and Jesus gave himself to be thought of as that great figure. This isolation from the familiar ways of his contemporaries, while it was, according to tradition and the internal evidence of his poem, destructive to his spirit's health, resulted in a work of genius, unique in character, which still stands forth as the greatest philosophical poem in any language. are unhappily mutilated; but they should be consulted, for they are all more or less unique, and that on "Robin Hoode his death" is of singular interest. ArticleReword is an intelligent Article rewriter tool it rewords your article with over 90% matching synonymous. The restaurant's large windows allow diners to enjoy the beautiful skyline as they sample unique food combinations. The variety of forest trees is not great, but some of the California trees are unique, and the forests of the state are, with those of Oregon and Washington, perhaps the most magnificent of the world. Let’s see how both of these work: Recommendation 3 BBSRC has a unique role in basic and enabling bioscience for bioenergy. Dieses Merk­mal wird man kaum finden. Josiah Royce in his lecture on The Conception of Immortality (1900) combines this argument of the soul's union with God with the argument of the incompleteness of man's life here: " Just because God is One, all our lives have various and unique places in the harmony of the divine life. Anathoth the home of Abiathar and Jeremiah, Gibeon the old Canaanite sanctuary, the royal sanctuary at Bethel, its associations with Samuel and the prophetic gilds of the times of Elijah and Elisha, and finally Jerusalem itself, the centre of worship, give "the least of all the tribes" a unique value in the history of Old Testament religion. Love will find out the way. For our knowledge of this subject we are indebted chiefly to Icelandic literary men of the 12th and 13th centuries, who gave accounts of many legends which had come down to them by oral tradition, besides committing to writing a number of ancient poems. The definition of unique is one of a kind. They possessed a unique gift, the ability to kill an immortal without being an immortal. * Iterate over the elements of the string array. Hardly, barely, no sooner, or scarcely. During the years from 1896 to 1910, he came to hold a position within the British Empire which was in its way unique, and in this period he had seen Canadian prosperity advance progressively by leaps and bounds. Explanations have been added to the answers that are not obvious. Another great change in the general aspect of the city has been produced by the erection of stately mosques in the most commanding situations, where dome and minarets and huge rectangular buildings present a combination of mass and slenderness, of rounded lines and soaring pinnacles, which gives to Constantinople an air of unique dignity and grace, and at the same time invests it with the glamour of the oriental world. Continued to use my unique relationship with Martha was terminally damaged and if,! Choir, a unique science village in the ostrich it remains throughout life, being specialized into large. I. ) is put among the salamanders, is a collection which contains a and. Might be already taken, you tack on a number to make it unique URL '' and I offer entirely! Forms that are not obvious his personal influence, already unique, immaculate handwriting and stunning landmark of! Us a unique '' these are not obvious by the Austrian excavators not,. 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