Dobranoc – good night, Proszę – please Start learning Polish with these words! Go away! “Drill a hole in your belly” – This colourful phrase is used to description someone who is bothersome or a pest. Do widzenia – goodbye – How do you spell it? “Wrap the truth in cotton” – Every culture has people that try to soften the truth or to avoid delivering potentially unpleasant news straight out. This is the Polish version. 4, Vilnius, Lithuania, number of registration 304871705, FI Code 32400. (Nie) mówię po polsku – I (don’t) speak Polish Meaning: I was taken for a ride, Polish: Mieć węża w kieszeni “Throwing peas onto a wall” – This expression is the equivalent of “falling on deaf ears.”, “Put up a good face for a bad game” – Poles, much like the British, have a reputation for being a bit stoic. “Don’t call the wolf from the forest” – This is the Polish admonition to not tempt fate. Dzień dobry – good morning/ good afternoon English: Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched, Polish: Słoń nastąpił ci na ucho? I love you Do not worry if you will not remember all of them, Polish is the 3rd hardest language to learn in the world, so Poles will be impressed with anything you will manage to remember. “Divide the skin while it’s still on the bear” – Every culture has a phrase that extolls the virtue of patience. 8. Find more Japanese words at! Dziękuję – thank you To help you navigate the soft hisses and endless sibilant sounds of the Slavic tongue, we’ve put together a list of 12 top phrases that will help you on that holiday to Poland. Niedobrze – bad These words seem to be funny. O której godzinie – At what time? Mówić po polsku » Polish Words, Phrases & Everyday Expressions » People & professions in Polish. Japanese words for funny include 変, おもしろい, 滑稽, 可笑しい, 剽軽 and おかしなふるまいの. – When…? This is the Polish Core 100 List. Yes, these words mean what you think they mean: massacre and tragedy. This polish cow is a new meme character we will soon know and love. Speaking of weird words, English also has some pretty funny words to say out loud. – What does it mean? One of the bonuses of working with our customers at TransferGo and business colleagues across the world is learning about different cultures and languages. Dlaczego…? 7. Registered address: 241 Southwark Bridge Rd, SE1 6FP, London, United KingdomTransferGo Lithuania UAB is an electronic money institution established in the Republic of Lithuania, authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. – Can you say that again? Która jest godzina? These words seem to be funny. In this regard, the word rich doesn’t begin to describe the Spanish language in terms of the funny things people say or come up with in one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. ... Back in the early 2000's, memes were simple and were usually a gif or short video of something funny that got looped and looped because images/videos were tougher to load for more people back then. That is, you will not find here ' dupa ' (which is Polish equivalent for ' ass ' both literary and in usage) or ' gówno ' (which is Polish equivalent for ' shit ') since I consider them weak. It doesn't contain weak curse words, only those that are considered highly offensive and unacceptable when used in public. Over the past few months on the TransferGo blog we have spotlighted various groups of migrants in the UK. (Nie) podoba mi się… – I (don’t) like – How is this called in Polish? – Is there…? © 2021 TransferGo Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Funny Words to Say Out Loud. – What is it? Jul 7, 2014 - Explore Angela Armstrong's board "Polish Proverbs :)", followed by 111 people on Pinterest. Czy możesz mówić wolniej? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Things You Can Buy In Europe For One Euro, The Most Common Welsh Stereotypes Explained, 10 European Countries & Their Spirit Animals, 7 Quick Ways to Properly Bundle Up in Europe, 7 Must-Visit Destinations for Athletes in Europe. Recently moved to a new country? – Can you speak slower? Stick you in a bottle This article prompted us to think of some of the colourful and rich funny Polish phrases that sound somewhat funny to non-Polish people. :D My twitter: The language is difficult to master, and even more difficult to pronounce correctly. 4. See more ideas about Polish proverb, Proverbs, Words. Please leave a comment or question if you need guidance on winning the hand a girl from Polska. English: Not my problem, Polish: Mieć muchy w nosie Check another funny words in Polish language. Here are 9 of our favorites. However, we have not written about an interesting aspect of modern culture; language and phrases. Looking for some fun Irish slang words and phrases? Many of those are incredibly descriptive; others become such a part of the language and culture that they remain part of everyday conversation, even when the underlying meaning is lost or no longer relevant. You’re in for a whirlwind adventure. Here is a list of funny German words that have all-too amusing literal translations and their meaning: Speisekarte (dish card). If you are using the love quotes on your mobile phone, you can simply copy and paste them right into the text message. Start learning Polish with these words! The Welsh are known for having weird words for everything, so we thought we'd put together a collection of 35 funny welsh words and what they mean along with how they are pronounced and the English translation. Polish – Kiedy wszedłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one Origin: Fiu from this phrase is an onomatopeic word created from the sound of a sigh or light wind. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Polish: Rzucać grochem o ścianę English: Fall on deaf ears . Throwing peas onto a wall. Check another funny words in Polish language. Jak się masz? Polish has a rep as one of the hardest languages on the planet to learn. Here ends our top funny polish words and expressions. Every country’s language is rich in nuance and idioms. They are “looking for a hole in the whole” ( szukać dziury w całym ). Printable word search puzzles. Read on to learn to talk like the locals.. Jak to się nazywa po polsku? Language Perks You Only Get from Learning Latin. Some Polish Swear Words and Slang: kurwa (coorvah) - whore; bitch; also used like the English 'fuck' kurwa mac! Polish: Wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu English: Pestering. funny translations: śmieszny, zabawny, dziwny. Today I'm teaching you some Polish words! – Who is it? English – A drowning man clutches at straws, Polish: Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu – What time is it? People & professions in Polish 4.18/5 (17) People & professions in Polish. Nie rozumiem – I don’t understand. Tak – yes This guide contains Polish curse words the author likes. Have you know that Polish word "fart" means luck? Recently we wrote about trading with Poland, where we noted that not only do a large number of Polish nationals live in the UK, but a large number of Brits have migrated to Poland to work as well. There may not be a term for these ideas in English, but other languages have really funny words to express them. 10. Polish people don’t count their chickens before they’re hatched. What’s your favourite one? Thank you very much for hanging out with Europe Language Café and see you in our next blog! English – Don’t teach your Grandmother how to suck eggs, Polish – Tonący brzytwy się chwyta Słabo mówię po polsku – My Polish is poor gowno (goovnoh) - shit Gdzie jest toaleta? Poles call this “wrapping the truth in cotton.”. Czy mówisz po angielsku? Take a look, some of them will definitely make you laugh! We are supervised by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) under the Money Laundering Regulations: 12667079 and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an authorised payment institution: 600886. This is the German word for a menu and is a simple, widely used German word that is easy to learn and repeat as you travel through Germany, enjoying some of the country's gastronomic delights. It’s one of those slightly fuzzy words whose translation all rather depends upon the context in which it is used, but it can most typically be translated as “so” or “the… Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary. This one, which is the equivalent of “pulling your leg”, is not. Below are the expressions that sound a little bit off when directly translated to English. And don’t forget to check out our job offers in Poland! Przepraszam – sorry/ excuse me This phrase is used to describe someone who is considered “cheap” or “tight-fisted” and serves as a possible reason for their not reaching for their cash. “Do you have a snake in your pocket?” This phrase is used to describe someone who is considered “ cheap ” or “tight-fisted” and serves as a possible reason for their not reaching for their cash. Czy możesz to powtórzyć? English: Easy / it’s a piece of cake, Polish: Zrobili mnie w konia “Has flies up his nose” – A very colourful phrase to describe someone that is sulking or angry. Please, note that although the “k”-word is also a swear word, it is often used instead of a “comma” in the speech, giving the speaker a chance to recover before continuing the argument. Quiz: Facts About Europe – How many will you get right? – Do you speak English? Have you know that Polish word "fart" means luck? These word search puzzles are the perfect solo activity for a rainy day or if you’re just stuck inside. Learn Polish in the fastest, Reading ridiculous words is one thing, but saying silly words out loud is something else entirely. Polish people are not nit-picky. – How much is it? Kto to jest? It provides various resources on all levels such as printable exercises, interactive exercises, podcasts, online classes, audio- and video lessons – everything a student needs to learn Polish! English: Having no ear for music, Polish: Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy 5. Świetnie – great Dobrze – good Europe Language Café by Europe Language Jobs. “Not my circus, not my monkeys” – This phrase is one of this writer’s personal favourites and basically means “it’s not my problem.”. It contains the most important and most frequently used Polish words. English: You’re being tight-fisted, Polish: Nie wywołuj wilka z lasu Polish: Mieć muchy w nosie English: They’re angry. He prefers to “wrap the truth in cotton” ( owijać prawdę w bawełnę ). Czy jest…? Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. Well, now that you know the funny polish expressions, it is the moment to learn some useful words! Polish: Wypchaj się sianem This phrase is the equivalent to “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”. Americans Try To Pronounce Polish Cities. But they’re applied to totally different situations. 35 funny welsh words and what they mean. Polish: Bułka z masłem Italian Translation of “funny” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Love Phrases and Romantic Polish words. Here is our list of the 27 craziest words to say in the English language: 1. English: Pestering, Polish: Rzucać grochem o ścianę Thinking about studying abroad? Funny Polish Words & Tongue Twisters : Short Menu: PolishToledo Home Page Go Back One Page Blog Kutyłowski Pol-Am Events Polish Music & Polkas Uniquely Polish A lot of Polish mothers would say that their daughter have “fiu bździu” in their heads – they don’t think about anything serious. “Stick you into a bottle” – Many idioms are fairly easy to figure out. (coorvah match) - used like the English 'for fucks' sake!' Dobry wieczór – good evening When she finally managed to print out our passes, she said, “Okay, now hurry up or there will be a tragedia.” This one’s similar to the Croatian word, katastrofa. English: Fall on deaf ears, Polish: Nabić kogoś w butelkę dupek (doopeck) - asshole. The notoriously difficult phonology of the Polish language has always caused much trouble and confusion for neighbouring nations. This is another of the idioms that is found in some form in almost every culture. Another “nice” Polish swear-word is “kurwa” literally a “whore”, although in some contexts translated as a “bitch”, or even as “sh*t”, a very useful word indeed. They “divide the skin on the bear” ( … Today we are going to share funny Polish words and expressions which you should be familiar with if you are thinking of making your next career move over there! Co to znaczy? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Relocating can be daunting, particularly if your list of contacts is limited. Changes are you have heard a couple of these funny Polish phrases yourself, or perhaps will find a couple that you think are worthy of adding to your word bank. Break out your pens or pencils and get your eyes ready. Learn the Polish names for days, months and seasons. Co to jest? Gwdihw – goo dee who – Owl English: Don’t tempt fate. Let us know in the comments below! Kiedy…? 1.Spigoglys – spee gog liss - Spinach. Może – maybe Źle się czuję – I’m not feeling well For example, my husband and I went to Cracow once, and we wanted to take the last train to Warsaw, but the lady selling our tickets was rather slow. This article prompted us to think of some of the colourful and rich funny Polish phrases that sound somewhat funny to non-Polish people. – Where is the toilet? When you start learning a language, there are always some words that jump out from otherwise incomprehensible sentences. ‘Kimono’ has the same form and meaning both in Polish and English. My list of love phrases in Polish ‘for him or her’ is only a start. spierdalaj (speerdalay) - Fuck off. Are you going to try to learn it? Fun With Polish Words A Crazy Mixed Race Couple in Poland Have Fun With Polish Words. Registered address: Palangos str. It gives you the hope that one day, maybe the rest of the sentence will become equally as easy to process. – Why…? English: Get lost! Jak się to pisze? Polish: Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy English: Not my problem Thanks to the Internet this Polish phrase is probably the most famous uniquely famous Polish idiom in the world, leading one member of staff to speculate, “does anyone Polish actually say this? Polski Daily is a platform for students of Polish Language. In this case funny polish phrases! Cześć – hello They have flies up their nose. Nie ma problemu – no problem Drill a hole in your belly. “When among the crows, caw as the crows do” – This phrase is basically the same as our “When in Rome, do as the Romans”. Zaczekaj – wait 9. Hello! English: They’re angry, Polish: Wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu 2. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. Here’s why you’ll get a better kind of higher education... TransferGo Ltd is a registered payment service provider. 18 Beautiful Polish Words That Will Make You Fall in Love With the Whole Language You may know Polish for its ‘hissing’ reputation , or you may not know it at all. English – When in Rome, do as the Romans do, Polish – Nie ucz ojca robić dzieci This is their version on “grin and bear it.”. Bździu is a deminutive or funny form of the word “bzdura” so “nothing, rubbish, something of no value”. “It’s a roll with butter” – This simply means that a task or situation is easy. Polish: Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy English: Not my problem. Nie wiem – I don’t know “Looking for a hole in the whole” – This is the Polish expression for someone who is overly picky or overly pessimistic. cwel (tsvel) - gay; queer; faggot. Shut up! One of the Polish expressions for ‘going to sleep’ translates into ‘hitting the kimono’, where ‘hit’ is used as in ‘let’s hit the streets’. – How are you? “I was made into a horse” – It seems that every culture looks for a way to make a situation where they were fooled, taken advantage of, or made to look foolish (“taken for a ride”) sound a little less harsh. Personality Test: Where should you spend Halloween? Even if it’s just for a laugh, here are some of the funniest Spanish words and phrases you will come across as … Nie – no So it is with the word allora, which your Italian counterpart will draw out prior to plunging into an exciting sentence. English: Pull your leg. English Words Polish People Cannot Pronounce. Ile to kosztuje? “Did an elephant stomp on your ear?” – This Polish phrase is used to describe someone such as Florence Foster Jenkins or someone who has no ear for music. Here is our list of contacts is limited you know the funny Polish that! 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