This counterhit combo does 434 dmg/660 stun, so thereâs a pretty good chance that if you land it, theyâre dead. Oki punish: cc st hk -> EX BD (394 dmg/460 stun), Stun punish: ch headbutt -> cr mk xx mp SPD (430 dmg/570 stun). Also known as "The Beast" in the west and "Umehara" or "Ume" in Japan, Daigo Umehara is vastly considered the best Street Fighter player of all time. Rashid, too, is surprised that Azam and Zangief know each other, as Rashid is a fan of Zangief's, having watched his wrestling victories on the internet and remarking that his muscles are amazing in person. Headbutt -> lp SPD is useful at further ranges for confirming your VT2 SPD. Cr mp is +11 on block, so even on block, you get a solid mixup between an immediate headbutt followup or a slightly delayed SPD/tick SPD. Skills: Resistance to cold. Your best alternative is just to not use VT2 and get a fully charged st hp punish. This won’t feature […] SFV Street Fighter V: Zangief V Trigger 2 Guide. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, Smash Bros. Tekken, plus other video games. SFV Essential Character Strategies Part 3: Necalli, Ryu, R. Mika, Rashid, Vega, and Zangief. If you really think heâs close enough to stun, VT2 activation -> EX SPD is your best bet. Make sure to slightly delay your BD to outrange jump buttons if they back jump and walk forward then perform it the opposite way if they forward jump (autocorrect BD). Considering that VT1 has no activation combos from medium normals without counterhit, this combo alone solidifies VT2 as the easier to activate trigger, even in neutral. You can go for raw cr lp xx VT2 as part of SPD oki for a slightly more damaging combo on hit (cr lp xx VT2 -> cr lp xx mp SPD for 242 dmg) at the price of it not being confirmable, and being +4 on block (meaning an immediate followup SPD will whiff). Commands written here are for characters facing right. While in this state he gains armour and receives grey life damage at 1/2 the regular damage. If they wakeup backdash, you can spot their backdash startup during your activation screen freeze. Against chars with poor jump-ins and no air throw, your instant HP BD is a legitimate punish. Zangief can then attempt to set up more tick throws or mix-ups … Fighting game news, tournament results and much more for the most popular titles in the FGC. However, at far range, you can abuse the recessed hurtbox of EX SPD to catch wakeup buttons more easily. In this guide I’ll be breaking down both forms of Zeku, giving you a good idea of how the character plays, pros and cons of both, BNBs (Bread and Butters) with Damage and Stun output, Mixups, Tech, Movelist, and Okizeme. As long as youâre unpredictable with your instant BD timings, the odds are very highly in your favor of landing it- just make sure to use EX BD on some characters so that your delayed instant BD doesnât whiff their pushbox and fail completely. Note: The Dojo stage in-game can contain aspects customized by the individual player. Chun-Li is unique in that her -16 on block ex sbk cannot be punished by VT2 activation -> ch headbutt. A great way to sharpen your skills! CC st hk xx VT2: At absolute max range, cc st hk only combos into itself. Zangief In a game full of well-rounded grapplers, Zangief's great advantage is the singular power of his throw techniques. The dash forward will leave you with time to walk forward afterwards and cover their getup option. As is, itâs essentially useless. Framedata; Combos; Lessons; Get FAT on your Phone! The 10th fighter, Abigail, enters the ring! Note: The Dojo stage in-game can contain aspects customized by the individual player. Zangief SFV BnB guide by Bafael Command list: Screw Pile Driver - 360+punch, SPD Double Lariat - PPP, spinning lariat Borscht Dynamite - 360+punch midair, air SPD Siberian Express - HCB+kick, running bear grab Anti airs: Lariat - Gief's main AA. This move can be used to counteract this strategy. Against these characters, you canât get a fully charged st hp cc -> hp SPD, so using VT2 nets you a lot of extra damage and stun. Because cr hk xx VT2 is +13 on block, you have to microwalk forward for about 4 to 10 frames (character/range dependent) before your instant BD. Commands written here are for characters facing right* Normal Throws. Zangief appears in Street Fighter X Tekken with Rufus as his tag partner. In general, timing your button/SPD to abuse the plus frames on landing is very difficult, so I would practice this. VT1 Kenâs EX DP is only -41 on block so treat it like Kageâs EX DP. Posted January 26, 2020 January 6, 2020 alext96. Here is a video of this in action: Youâre +12 after the reset for a meaty headbutt. This allows you to land a dash up -> buffered meaty hp SPD. There are 3 main categories of optimal VT2 dp punishes and they are as follows: VT1 Akuma, Blanka, Chun-Li, Ed, Falke, Guile, Ibuki, Juri, VT2 Sakura, Urien, Zeku. Posted January 27, 2020 January 6, 2020 alext96 Posted in Street Fighter V. V Trigger 2: Cossack Muscle Duration: 2000 … Do not punish DPâs with this, as it does much less damage and slightly less stun than VT2 activation -> cc st hk -> EX BD. At some ranges, doing this will cause wakeup uppercuts on qr to whiff entirely; this will happen if you cross the opponent up just after they wake up. Although that combo, cr lk -> cr lp xx VT2 -> cr lp xx lp SPD, has some of the worst scaling and damage output of all VT2 combos, itâs still quite useful. You must log in in order to utilize this Dojo. Donât be afraid to do it against characters with good jump ins/air throws anyway as a mixup. Zangief AKA the Red Cyclone is a Russian national hero who first appeared in Street Fighter II. Delayed VT2 activation: The go-to route after a hp/EX SPD, especially against 3f chars and chars with good reversal options. Once activated, the following occurs: VT2 is a simple trigger that gives Zangief access to big damage on both sides of his mixup. Images and movies may not represent the final product. Bread and Butter Combo Guide: Zangief by Bafael. This requires you to input half circle forward during the VT2 screen freeze, hold forward for a few frames, then input up/forward + punch(es). You have at worst a 4f microwalk window against standing chars, which makes the combo consistently doable by anyone. Against Karin, you can do reversal VT2 activation -> air headbutt xx EX BD. The lack of oki isnât really a big deal here outside the corner, since your standard light confirm doesnât give you midscreen oki anyway. The charged st hp also easily single hit confirms into a VT2 cancel, as it has a 22f cancel window (19f hitstop + 3f extra cancellable frames). Featured Street Fighter V Finals NA : PS4 Tournaments Street Fighter V - Broadcast. Zangief does big damage so getting dinged up a little while getting in is ok, so long as you make wise decisions once you're in. * In one day, DP can only be obtained a maximum of 10 times for the Battle Lounge, per each difficulty in Arcade and Survival Modes, and by the total calculation of draws/losses in Ranked and Casual Matches. Work together with your friends to increase your Dojo ranking! *Thereâs one issue with the stun punish here: Against Kage, Akuma, and Ken, you actually can interrupt their EX DP between the two portions of the move⦠and if you donât, they will lose a decent chunk of stun as they are recovering from the second part. If youâre daring, you can call out their immediate jump button with either a slightly delayed instant HP BD or a slightly delayed instant air headbutt xx EX BD. Ver {{currentVersion.ver}} Guide to tool assisted's oki calculator: How to use ToolAssisted's oki calculator; SFV: Tutorial on Toolassisted's Okizeme Calculator and Frametrapped Hitboxes . Speaking with your fists isn't the only way get your point across! Street Fighter V Community Videos View All. ... Use this SFV Ryu combo to reach blocking crouching opponents. Sakura Kasugano (春日野 さ … Due to scaling, your optimal stun combo against him is actually just ch air headbutt -> ex air SPD. A GUIDE TO ICONS. View All. 1 - Type: Origin - Content Explanation. For comparison, the three non-VT non-CA dp punishes are: Uncharged cc st hp -> hp SPD (320 dmg/280 stun) Standard punish, Fully charged cc st hp -> dash -> hp SPD (363 dmg/440 stun) Heavy punish, optimal V meter gain, Air headbutt -> headbutt -> st lk xx lariat (357 dmg/616 stun) Heavy punish, optimal stun, do microwalk st lk for 21 extra dmg and okizeme. He may look totally fearsome, he's actually a very friendly guy to many people. VT2 is all about those big gambles. Shoutouts to Mhike2Stronk for bringing this to my attention. To be specific, it does 230 dmg/325 stun. You can use the Dojo stage simply by joining a Dojo! PlayStation and are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Basically, Zangief throws out an attack or block string. Street Fighter V is a 1-on-1 fighting game. This means that on hit, you can link headbutt -> cr mk xx mp SPD, and on counterhit, you can link headbutt -> headbutt -> lp SPD. The most important ones are c.LP, c.MK, s.MP, s. Can be linked with your Fighters ID and Twitter account, giving you quick ways to communicate! Cossack Muscle is a trigger that drastically changes numerous properties of Zangiefâs trademark move, the Screw Pile Driver (SPD), as well as its aerial version, Borscht Dynamite (BD, also known as Air SPD). If your opponent gets hit by the cr mp, the followup SPD will link, and youâll land a nice 310ish damage combo. This can be a good use of EX SPD for the extra stun. For reference: ch headbutt -> cr mk xx mp SPD (stun) -> air headbutt -> headbutt -> st lk -> lariat does 629 dmg, while cc st hp -> headbutt -> cr mp xx lp SPD (stun) -> air headbutt -> headbutt -> st lk -> lariat does 563 dmg. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. He is a two-time EVO champion, having won Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution at EVO 2004 and Virtua Fighter 5 at EVO 2007. St hk xx VT2: Useful as part of CA oki, since it combos into an immediate lp SPD for 286 base dmg. ACTIVITY REPORTS. Note:Commands written here are for characters facing right. Walking forward slightly before jumping also lets you land a meaty jump button against backrise. If your opponent is about halfway to stun or more, do a max stun output punish; if they aren’t, do a punish that grants oki so you can keep the ball rolling. DIGITAL UPGRADE KIT AVAILABLE NOW. Give Gief better light activation combos, Make VT2 BDâs frame 1 and increase the vertical range of VT2 EX BD so that the delayed activation OS would checkmate neutral jumps. However, is it better than VT1? While timing of this attack can be difficult, the total damage it can … Zangief Today we are here to meet the hero of Russia, the Red Cyclone himself! Note that you can combo cr mp xx VT2 into microwalk st lk xx lariat, which will get you a close lariat that is +28 on br instead of the usual +29 from cr mp -> st lk xx lariat. On block, you still get your standard VT2 mixups. ... SFV Mechanics Guide: What are EX Moves, V-Triggers, Critical Arts, & the Stun Gauge Street Fighter V - Guides. His goal is simple: get in, command … Great guide. Grapplers like Zangief need patience to deal heavy damage and time grabs without risking punishes. If you want to save your VT2 SPD for a later use, you can end your combo in microwalk st lk xx lariat to get a close lariat and its accompanying oki, or a knee hammer for some up-close plus frames. Join forces with people who use the same character, or are in the same league, and work together to improve your skills! By dashing forward and inputting a half circle forward, you can call out a backdash or jump by reacting with up/forward + punch as soon as you react. Gief is great once heâs in, but has trouble getting there, so by making opponents come to me, I can mitigate one of the characterâs greater weaknesses. If they are close to stun, itâs worth sacrificing immediate damage for this. Basic attacks - Guile move list. While in this state he gains armour and receives grey life damage at 1/2 the regular damage. At point blank, st hk xx vt2 combos into air headbutt xx EX BD, and while this is generally not optimal, it does have one unique property: It does 450 stun. This is most useful either as a meaty after a close lariat, after a cr lp xx VT2 (works against all chars except Cammy, Cody, Ed, and Kolin) or as a followup to a knee hammer. by Prima Games Feb. 18, 2016, 2 p.m. Wrapping up the quick-and-dirty tips for each SFV character from guide … Ryu hits with his fists from above. It’s especially useful after a blocked cr hk xx VT2 if you microwalk forward first. This is commonly inputted to beat meaty headbutts or push away Gief when at further cr mp ranges. For Street Fighter V on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Offical Guide to Playing Zangief in SFV". This essentially nullifies wakeup frame 1 armor after CA from Birdie, Abigail, and Gief, since both meaty SPD and st hk xx VT2 beat it. Although the EX BD is heavily scaled, the damage is still solid due to the fact that it does not receive the inherent scaling that the special cancelled version gets, and Gief gets full oki off of it. This OS beats 3 options: Immediate jumps (and backdashes in some cases), block -> 3f normal, and block -> immediate V-Reversal. Gief already generally gets punished hard when he whiffs an SPD, he doesnât need such a harsh V-Timer penalty to boot, EX Combo SPD needs buffs. Punish with a buffered lp SPD. The general consensus seems to be that VT1 is the better trigger, and is necessary against characters with fireballs. I liken it to flex punch xx VT1 in terms of reward. Outside, Guile fights Chun-Li until Bison's demise snaps her out of her brainwashing, and he is last seen showing admiration for Ryu and Ken when they emerge unharmed from the battlefield. Zangief loves his country and wants to protect its honor in every battle. Toggle navigation. This is Giefâs only left-right mixup in VT2, but while itâs tempting to go for, it loses hard to backrise. And who … Note that you can (and should) use this in any scenario where you are +2 and point blank (unless you have CA), such as after blocking Urienâs EX Chariot Tackle or Rashidâs lv1 lp Spinning Mixer. This leaves you at +5 on hit for a link into SPD. This works on all characters except Claw. Practice Akuma combos in various matches and you’ll definitely get a decent Street Fighter 5 online rank. Karin sweep), Arguably nerfs mp, hp, and EX SPD by gutting their okizeme, Unlike VT1, better damage always comes at the price of oki, Lasts much shorter than VT1, and SPD whiffs are very costly, Fewer interactions overall = harder to stun with it, Giefâs flex nullifies meaty VT1, making it hard to activate it against him, Going in on Gief can be risky thanks to his numerous defensive options, VT2âs lack of oki is thus not as big of an issue as in other matchups, Cr mp xx VT2 after hp SPD oki blows up wakeup buttons/EX SPD/flex/pre-emptive V-Reversal, Extra V-Reversal is useful to keep Gief off of you and punish blocked VT1âs, Cementing a lead and playing keepaway is very effective in the mirror, VT2 cancel lets Gief use charged st hp without fear of flex, Kolinâs V-Reversal allows her to get big punishes against blocked VT1, making it hard to activate against her, Kolinâs great whiff punishes make throwing out st hp in neutral for the purpose of activating VT1 somewhat risky. St mk xx VT2 aka Wang_Gorâs patented combo: Zangiefâs only ranged poke with good VT2 activation conversions at range. Keep in mind that, not only is this method very difficult (itâs hard to react and punish accordingly), you leave yourself at -12 after the dash should they do nothing. Your best punish route is generally reversal activation -> st hk -> ex BD, which is very difficult, but doable. Stored 720 Super Tech by UltraChenTV. Even against the quickest backdashes, you will always have enough frame advantage to get an SPD punish. Written Tutorials for SFV - Basic to Advanced Practical Workouts for Training Mode MUSCLE POWER If you are just picking up SFV as your first fighting game or would like to learn the game from the bottom up, try out these tutorials. Offical Guide to Playing Zangief in SFV; Topic Archived; Page . Holding both buttons too long results in a flex which provides additional V-Meter upon contact. If they neutral jump, certain characters can beat your instant BD with a jump button or air throw; characters with very poor jump-ins cannot. Zangief Combo Guide by ahmz1404. This is another slight optimization of damage and stun but should not be done if you know it will stun due to the heavier post-stun scaling and meter usage. This is only really useful against characters who do not have good zoning and cannot chip away at Gief slowly, but that consitutes a fairly large portion of the cast. Cr mk xx VT2: Good during pressure, as it combos at all ranges into lp SPD, but thereâs a catch. to join! Mika is surprised that Azam and Zangief are acquainted; Zangief tells Mika that Azam is the adviser of the "Muscle Soul Fighters Club" as he introduces him to her. As a result, Gief will SPD their V-Reversal. Critical Art, Bolshoi Russian Suplex, SPD SPD + P , 360 360 plus any punch move for Zangief in Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition execution, strategy guide, tips and tricks. This is still a far step down from the terror that is cr lp xx VT1, Cr mp -> st lk xx lp SPD is a decent ender after a jump-in with jump mk, or as a confirm option after a knee hammer, Headbutt -> cr mp xx lp SPD is good as a quickrise meaty conversion off of a close lariat. It beats all options that your hp SPD loses to. This may not be a lot, but itâs still an improvement of 84 damage over his standard light confirm, so itâs a decent route if you want to get your VT2 over with in the hopes of building another one. V-Trigger I V-Trigger II. Note that none of the damage values listed in the following combos take guts scaling into account. If they forward or back jump, youâll notice during the activation screen freeze, and they will eat a free BD. For more in-depth information, check out the following resources: If your opponent performs their invincible reversal, youâll block it, and have access to a plethora of punish options (see: VT2 DP Punishes). At certain ranges, you can slightly delay your jump-in and shift for an ambiguous crossup. However, its weaknesses make sense in the context of its lower cost and high activation flexibility. Much like VT1, Giefâs best activation scenarios come off of jump-ins, crush counters, SPD oki, and close Lariat oki. Due to their unique exclusiveness to each and every character, they help accentuate and compliment their fighting style, and are encouraged to be used for a player's advantage. Zangief SFV Introduction SFV: How to play against Zangief. Atomic Drop (NEAR OPPONENT) or + Horosho Chokeslam (AGAINST CROUCHING OPPONENT) (NEAR OPPONENT) or + Captured (NEAR OPPONENT) + V-Skill I. He is a mighty military guy from the United States Air Force. The Super Street Fighter IV Technical Guide published by Enterbrain which was released on April 28 includes a DVD featuring exhibition matches of the new … Against Cammy, in the corner, you can do reversal VT2 activation -> cc st hk -> air headbutt xx EX BD for 415 dmg/550 stun. Zangief SFV BnB guide by Bafael Command list: Screw Pile Driver - 360+punch, SPD Double Lariat - PPP, spinning lariat Borscht Dynamite - 360+punch midair, air SPD Siberian Express - HCB+kick, running bear grab Anti airs: Lariat - Gief's main AA. A direct path to realizing your dreams! After blocking a dp with VT2 available, you generally have 2 options. The Dojo Ranking is calculated from the total Dojo Points from all the Dojo members. Cr lp xx VT2: Notable due to its role in Giefâs light confirm activation routes. SFV: How to play against Zangief Guide / Labwork Before I get into the gist of things I'd like to point out that I only started with fighting games in '15 and currently hover around the cutoff point for Ultra Silver. This setup works best at close range, as at further ranges, you will be unable to land your light confirm. ©2021 Valve Corporation. In the game, Akuma is quite a muscled fighter but not as big as Zangief. Sakuraâs EX dp has too much pushback for the second oki punish to work. cr. All commands are reversed when facing left. Flex Punch xx VT2: Combos into lp SPD at all ranges against non-extended hurtboxes. Normal Moves; Move Name Frame Recovery V-Trigger Cancel Recovery Cancel Info Damage Stun Meter Gain (Whiff/Hit) Properties Projectile Nullification Airborne Hurtbox Comments; Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block On Hit On Block; Standing LP. It too liberally the developers from Capcom had a good place to start sfv zangief guide will, in time be. 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