The large holes asually seen on the fruits are the exist holes of caterpillar. A single female can lay up to 400 eggs in her lifetime. Eggplant Lace Bugs . Beetles of all the three species are about 8-9 mm in length and 5-6 mm in width. In this episode of Annadata, viewers will know about timely pest control in brinjal crop. Terms of Service 7. Several other varieties can be grown in the home garden as well. The moths measure about 32 mm across the spread wings and have pale-yellow abdomens. The head and thorax are greyish, the fore wings are pale straw-yellow and the hind wings are whitish. Avoid planting eggplant where tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or eggplant (all members of the Solanaceae family) were planted within the last three years. The field must be sprayed with 0.5 ml of Phosphamidon (demicron-100 EC) or 1 ml of Diochlorovos (Sumthion-50 Ecfolilhion-50 EC) in one litre of water every two weeks. Insect Pest Control in Brinjal Cultivation. Hence safer insect pest control may be possible by bio-pesticides application [11]. (iv) Spray 3-4 times at 2-week interval using 250-300 litres of water per ha with any one of the following insecticides as soon as the attack starts: (a) Organophosphcites: The leaves, thus, present a lace-like appearance. This pest of brinjal fruits and shoots is widely distributed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Germany and East Africa. ii. The adults and the nymphs suck the sap from leaves and cause yellowish spots which, together with the black scale-like excreta deposited by them, impart a characteristic mottled appearance to the infested leaves. The moth is white but has pale brown or black spots on the dorsum of the thorax and abdomen. Adults live for 2-3 days. (iv) Spray 3-4 times at 2-week interval using 250-300 litres of water per ha with any one of the following insecticides as soon as the attack starts: Two litres of quinalphos 25EC, 1.4 litres of monocrotophos 36SL, 1.25 litres of triazophos 40EC. Brinjal Pests and Diseases (Eggplant): Let us discuss today Brinjal Pests and Diseases, symptoms, and their control methods.. Diseases of Brinjal: Damping off: This disease causes severe damage to the plants. (i) Collect and destroy the infested leaves along with insects in the initial stages. If you don’t have enough space to plant eggplants away from standing crops, cover them with nylon mesh, preventing the entry of pests. In spite of all the scientific studies, release of Bt Brinjal has been put under moratorium. The lace-wing bug is distributed in the north­western parts of the Indian Sub-continent and is common in the plains. They eat up regular areas of the leaf tissue, leaving parallel bands of uneaten tissue in between. One of the most obvious of the eggplant pests is the leaf-eating Colorado potato beetle. The pupae are darker and are found fixed on the leaves, stems and, most commonly, at the base of the plants. Also, plant your eggplant seedlings away from other crops that might spread pests. This pest is active from March to October and passes the winter as a hibernating caterpillar in the stems of old plants. The bugs live for 30-40 days and lay 35-44 shining white nipple-shaped eggs singly in the tissues on the underside of the leaves. Grubs of all the three species are about 6 mm long, yellowish in colour and have six rows of long branched spines. Among the major constraints in economic cultivation of brinjal, pest infestation causes heavy losses. Indian government has constituted an expert committee to address this issue. The bug has a dark head, pale yellow legs, and two pairs of lace-like wings which are black at the base. They are pale ochraceous and are stoutly built, with very prominent spines. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They pass through 4 or 5 stages and are full-fed in 26-58 days. i. (i) Remove and destroy all the affected shoots and fruits with borers inside. (ii) Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop. A single female may lay 104-363 eggs in its life span of about a week. Both the nymphs and adults are destructive. control insect pest by different biorational approaches rather than conventional insecticide and to give emphasize on biorational approaches. Common Problems. It resumes activity during March-April and lays yellow cigar-shaped eggs, mostly on the underside of leaves, in batches of 5-40 each. Interval, The mites can be controlled by spraying the crop with Dicophol (KeIthane-18.5EC ) @ 2 ml or Morocite-40 EV @ 1 rnl per litter of water. The moth measures about 20-22 mm across the spread wings. Besides brinjal, it has also been recorded feeding on many other solanaceous plants and occasionally on the green pods of peas also. Eggplant is a commonly grown warm-season vegetable noted for its great flavor, egg shape and dark violet color. Adult – The prothorax (area behind the head) of this gray and light brown bug has a hood-like projection which extends out over the body and comes to a point over the wings. On the pronotum and wings, there is a network of markings and veins. It is a common pest of various cultivated plants, including potato, brinjal, Luffa sp., Lagenaria sp., and other cucurbitaceous plants. Uploader Agreement. (ii) Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop. The pest is active from April to October and hibernates as an adult from November-March in cracks and crevices in the soil under the brinjal plants or other protected places. Damage is caused by the caterpillars which measure about 20-22 mm in length, when full- grown. ii) The affected crops should be sprayed with phosphamidon (demicron-100 EC) @.0.5 ml or diochlorovos (Sumthion-50 Ecfolilhion-50 ECc) @1 ml per litter of water at fortnightly interval or spraying with carbaryl 0.20% or Monocrotophos 0.05%. Recommended Pest Control for Brinjal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, Bt brinjal is resistant to antibiotics, at least the well-known kanamycin," he explained. When the terminal shoots are attacked, the growing points are killed. The pupal stage lasts 13.4, 6.7 and 5.1 days at 25, 30 and 35°C, respectively. BRINJAL FRUIT & SHOOT BORER (LEUCINODES ORBONALIS) LURE | PEST CONTROL INDIA. The genetically modified eggplant known as Bt brinjal provides dramatic control of its most serious insect pest in Asia and eliminates the need for insecticides, according to results just published by scientists in the prestigious open-access online journal PLoS ONE. When available, the latter are preferred to the other parts and one caterpillar may destroy as many as 4-6 fruits. When the attack is severe, about 50 per cent of the crop may be destroyed. They are creamy white and have a few bristly hairs. Brinjal or eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is an important solanaceous crop of sub-tropics and tropics.The brinjal, eggplant or Aubergine (French name) has originated in the Indian sub-continent and China (Thompson and Kelly, 1957; Purewal, 1957; Martin and Rhodes, 1979).Brinjal is an important vegetable crop of the Far East, Bangladesh, India, China and the Philippines. Considering their abundance, H. vigintioctopunctata is the most important. Technical Name: Leucinodes orbonalis Family: Pyralidae Order: Lepidoptera 2. Damage to the fruits, particularly in the autumn, is very severe and it is not uncommon to see the whole of the crop destroyed by the borers. If the leaves on your eggplant show signs of webbing, small spots or are turning yellow, you may have an infestation of spider mites. Eggplant lace bug, Gargaphia solani Heidemann, Tingidae, HEMIPTERA. (ii) Four sprays of 500 ml of malathion 50EC or 315 ml of dichlorvos 100 EC in 325 litres of water per ha should be given at 15- day intervals. (Braconidae). Eggs are parasitized by Tetrastichus ovulorum Ferr. The caterpillars feed exclusively in the main stem and have never been observed to bore into the fruits. Add to Cart. Chemical control is widely used means of managing insect pests in brinjal. 1. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of eight botanical extracts on pest control in brinjal field. The full-grown nymphs are about 2 mm long and 1.35 mm broad. Learn about the pests that damage brinjal and its control. The fore wings are ornamented with a number of black, pale and light brown spots. The nature of damage and control measures of nematode is same as for potato nematode. Continuous cropping of brinjal and potato should be avoided and resistant varieties if … The pests are small, black or brown beetles that lay their eggs around the bases of eggplants. 250 ml of fenvalerate 20EC, 100 ml of permethrin 50EC, 500 ml of cypermethrin 10EC, 400 ml of decamethrin 2.8EC. The damage is done by the caterpillars which are creamy white when young, but light pink when full-grown. The stem-borer is a minor pest of brinjal and is widely distributed in India. Accordingly, water extracts of dried leaves of Khuksa (Ficus hispida), Chotra (Lantana sp. The eggs hatch in 3-6 days and the young caterpillars bore into tender shoots near the growing points into flower buds or into the fruits. The moths appear in March-April and during their life span of 2-5 days, lay 80-120 creamy white eggs, singly or in batches of 2-4 on the underside of leaves, on green stem, flower buds or the calyces of fruits. There are five overlapping generations in a year. © 2021 - Agriculture. They turn brown, dry up and fall off and completely skeletonize the plants. After pupation, they transform themselves into adults in 6-8 days. 3-4 weeks after transplanting and second application after 15 days controls the pest … Except for brinjal, it has not been recorded feeding on any other plant. Removal and destruction of affected shoot … The larvae are parasitized by Pristomerus testaceus Mori, and P. euzopherae Vier (Ichneumonidae). The withered plants should be uprooted and burnt. It may also attack chillies (Capsicum annum L.), potato and tomato plants. | Agriculture. (Lebacid-IOOO EC) or Thiomiton (Ekatin-25 EC )@ I ml per litre of water. The eggs hatch in 3-10 days and the young larvae feed for a few minutes on exposed parts of plants before boring into the stem where they feed on the pith by making longitudinal tunnels. (Gargaphia solani) is an occasional minor pest of eggplant in Maryland. The beetle and grab feed on the leaves and other tender parts leading to a considerable reduction in the .yield of the egg plant. PAS 2: The egg plants are also affected by mite, Jassids, Aphids and Mealy bug. Prohibited Content 3. Throughout this field guide you will find suggestions for stopping or lessening the pests’ population before they have control over your eggplant field. "Bt brinjal has been modified to produce an unknown chimeric insecticide toxin. Control: (i) Remove and destroy all the affected shoots and fruits with borers inside. A short pinkish caterpillar bores into the terminal shoot and eats internal tissue; it bores into the young fruit through the calyx .leaving on visible sings of infestation. Total 2,23,093 farmers are using NaPanta for their farming activities as on 10-01-2021. When full-grown, they make silken cocoons within the feeding galleries or in the cracks and crevices in the soil. Report a Violation 11. (Ichneumonidae), Bracon sp., Shirakia schoenobii Vier and Iphiaulax sp. Copyright 10. Lacebugs are brown with transparent, lacelike veins in the wings and are about ¼ inch in length. Egg Plant Fruit Borer is one of the most destructive pest on Eggplant in south & southeast Asia. Rotating your crop each year prevents pests that overwinter in the soil, reducing insect populations. Eggplant or brinjal (Solanum melongena) is a popular vegetable grown throughout Asia where it is attacked by brinjal fruit and shoot borer (BFSB) (Leucinodes orbonalis). The overwintered larvae pupate at the beginning of March and emerge as moths in the second half of the month. Because, biorational insecticides have the low toxic ... 4 Effect of botanical extracts opposed to sucking pest attack on brinjal leaves 15 5 . They measure about 18-23 mm in length. Apply one litre of dimethoate 30EC in 325 litres of water per ha. Agriculture, Vegetables, Brinjal, Pests, Pests of Brinjal and Its Control. The pupal stage lasts 6-17 days and the life-cycle is completed in 20-43 days during the- active season. As a result of their attack in the field, stray plants are seen withering and drying up. In addition, eggplant is a sun loving plant and should be positioned in an area that receives full sunlight. This insect can effectively be controlled by spraying crop with Endosulphan, (Thioden -35 EC) or Phentrothion (Sumithion-50 EC)@ 2 ml or Fenthion. The pest is most abundant in August-September. Insect Pest Control in Brinjal Cultivation,Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Bore,Brinjal Stem Borer,Leaf Eating Beetle. Yield losses in Bangladesh have been reported up to 86% and farmers rely primarily on frequent insecticide applications to reduce injury. Among pests brinjal shoot and fruit borer is highly monophagous and destructive which necessitates the grower to go in for 30 - 40 rounds of sprays. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this article in Hindi to learn about how to control pests of brinjal. PCI ₹ 720; Quantity. (ii) Varieties like Arkashirsh, Hissar, Sel. The insect affected fruits becomes unfit for consumption. i) The insect affected part should be clipped along with insect and destroyed any fruit with holes should be picked and destroyed. A short pinkish caterpillar bores into the terminal shoot and eats internal tissue; it bores into the young fruit … The moths are active at night when they mate and lay cream-coloured scale like eggs singly or in batches on the underside of young leaves or in the axils of young branches. Organic Turmeric Planting, Growing, Harvesting Techniques, Sugarcane Farming Project Report, Cost and Profit, Growing Shatavari, and Cultivation Practices, Economics, Rohu Fish Farming Project Report, Economics of Rohu, Kuroiler Chicken Breed Profile, and Characteristics, Garlic Cultivation Project Report, Crop Economics, Brahma Chicken Breed Profile, Characteristics, Cubalaya Chicken Breed Profile, Characteristics. Insect Pest Control in Brinjal Cultivation Insect Pests of Brinjal: 1) Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer: It is one of the major and serious insect pests of brinjal. While lace bugs cause damage by foraging on eggplant leaves, they only create substantial damage when large populations exist. The grubs feed on the lower epidermis of leaves and are full-grown in 17.8, 8.7 and 7.1 days at 25, 30 and 35°C, respectively. Disclaimer 8. The larvae grow through 5 stages and are full- fed in 9-28 days. Each of their elytron bears six black spots surrounded by yellowish rings. Bt brinjal could effectively control the target pest and was found to be safe for environment and human health. H. vigintioc-topunctata beetles are deep red and usually have 7-14 black spots on each elytron whose tip is somewhat pointed. Crop Rotation. Host plants. The life cycle and mode of damage of the three species of hadda beetles are very similar. The pest is active throughout the year. To control this pest is by hand picking the caterpillars and destroying the infected fruit. Your email address will not be published. In the toxicity tests on target and non-target insects, this chimeric toxin was not used. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of eight botanical extracts on pest control in brinjal field. Its wings are white with a pinkish or bluish tinge and are ringed with small hair along the apical and anal margins. Insect Pest Control in Brinjal Cultivation Insect Pests of Brinjal: 1) Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer: It is one of the major and serious insect pests of brinjal. Beetles of H. dodecastigma are deep copper-coloured and have six black spots on each elytron whose tip is more rounded. Differences between Traditional and Ideotype Breeding. Adults overwinter in plant debris. Control measures; 1. The main cause of this disease is high soil, moisture and moderate temperature with high humidity levels during the rainy season. A small (3–5 mm), winged insect that dwells and feeds on the underside of eggplant leaves, the eggplant lace bug has an oblong appearance with lace-like wings. Their bodies taper posteriorly. Image Guidelines 4. They grow through five stages and transform themselves into adults in 10-23 days. Content Guidelines 2. Ladybugs can be used to control mites. Non-chemical Pest Management on Eggplant Recommended practices . The life-cycle is completed in 35-76 days and the pest has 5-6 overlapping generations in a year. Crop rotation is an important strategy for managing bacterial wilt, Phytophthora blight, and southern blight because the pathogens survive in soil. Generally in brinjal fruit, shoot borers, white flies, jassids and mites are major threat and application of pesticides showed effective control of these insect pests [9-11]. The parasitoids associated with larvae of this pest are Pristomerus testaceus Mori, and Cremastus flavoorbitalis Cam. Damage is caused by the beetles as well as by the grubs. The insect passes through 8 overlapping generations in a year. A short pinkish caterpillar bores into the terminal shoot and eats internal tissue; it bores into the young fruit through the calyx .leaving on visible sings of […] Content Filtration 6. Two species of hadda beetles, viz., Henosepilachna dodecastigma and H. vigintioctopunctata, attack different solanaceous vegetables like brinjal, tomato and potato. (iii) Spray 625 ml of malathion 50EC or 2.5 kg of carbaryl 50WP in 325 litres of water per ha, at 10 day intervals as soon as the pest appears. Eggplant disease and cureIn this video I will show you the organic way to caring a eggplant. (Eulophidae) parasitize the larvae, and Pediobius foveolatus (J.C. Crawford) (Eulophidae) parasitize the pupae. Six black spots surrounded by yellowish rings bug, Gargaphia solani ) is an important strategy for bacterial... ) Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal, it has also been recorded feeding on any plant! Papers and Articles on agriculture in India shared by visitors and users like you parasitoids! Website in this browser for the next time i comment in south & southeast Asia been modified to produce unknown. 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