You know you want to. 1 Darth Vader Killed Darth Maul's Clone It appeared that Darth Maul had the upper hand, but before he could strike a fatal blow, Vader tapped into a hatred that even Maul could not imagine. Obviously he won't be able to do that against Vader though. Vader's damage soak is superior to Caedus' given how durable his armor is. Also, I made a mistake on Vader's Mind Control. Anyway, I say Vader because I dislike Caedus and think he's really overhyped. Who will win in a fight between Darth Caedus and Darth Vader (Pre-Mustafar)? 1 Biography 2 Victims 3 Trivia 4 See Also 5 Navigation The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, he was the twin brother of Jaina Solo Fel and the elder brother of Anakin Solo. Two of the most powerful Sith Lords in the entire Order, both are hardly human anymore, held together by cybernetics and The Dark Side, if these two cybernetic butchers ever met on the battlefield, Who would win? Is Caedus' skin tougher than an AT-AT? I believe Caedus was stated to be superior to Vader(not sure). ". [13] During a time when the Sith were plentiful and powerful, a male Sith, Darth Atrius, was the bearer of the Darth title. plaguies was able to do things that sidous couldnt do. a figthing style that relys on speed. Meanwhile, Darth Caedus has healed from his wounds and is starting to prepare for counterattacks on the weakened New Republic. @buttersdaman000 said: i stand by my list and my opinion that Darth krayt would beat vader.. because you have not convince me other wise.although Lucas has final say and has officially stated the sidous is the most powerful sith of all time i just dont see it. Round 1: Vader vs. Freedon Nadd. Darth Vader vs Darth Caedus. The Sith Empire VS The Rule of Two! Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe. and you are right maul was winning because of speed and since darth krayt pratice JAr kai. The only area I may have question over is Krayt's Lightning since, while he may not be on Bane or Sidious' level with it, is powerful enough that he could kill Vader. vader would have a hard time. Versus Series Count Dooku vs Darth Caedus - Duration: 13:41. He is just lucky in winning fights from popularity and bad writing. and help exer kun rise to power... yeah okay. nobody in the brotherhood was powerful bane included. Knightfall Vader vs. Darth Caedus Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, he was the twin brother of Jaina Solo Fel and the elder brother of Anakin Solo. Caedus can take injuries well, but Vader is much tougher to injure. Darth Caedus, born Jacen Solo, ... with both fighting as Darth Vader. Context Factors favoring Jacen/hindering Luke: Luke had a chest injury from his fight with Lumiya that Jacen exploited. Arent Palpatine and Sidious the same person?? However, the numerous tragedies he suffered during his service to the Jedi Order in the Clone Wars took their toll on Skywalker, making the young knight desperate to find a way to protect his lover Padme Amidala. Tell me why Vader is incapable of the same. Star Wars Versus Series Preview Season 4 Finale Darth Caedus| Opponent Announcment! first of all im not using titles. Replace Vader with Traya. Krayt is a better duelist than Vader. nihilus becoming a darkside entity after stripping aways his body his not. I say it's 50/50. Nephthys.,,,, 1.dath nihilus( is the darkside of force), 2.darth sidous (dont really have to explane this guy), 3.marka ragnus (once his death , the sith empire collaspe), 4.freedom nadd (expire many other great sith such has exar kun), 5.darth Revan (thought of the idea of the rule of two), 6.darth plagueis (is consider to be more power than sidous and is rumored to created anakin). It is often thought that "Darth" is merely a contraction of the title "Dark Lord of the Sith", but there are theories that suggest a deeper interpretation. Ah, well it was an AT-AT and its from the first Force Unleashed novel: I don't actually care about Vader vs Caedus anymore, I was just pointing out that Vader is clearly more durable and has better damage soak than Caedus. Darth Vader’s dueling skills were a mix of Djem So, Ataru, and Soresu. I also like how you conveniently decided not to answer my question about Revan's feats. He doesnt even have to use a lightsaber to beat that overrated loser. when sidous is able to destryoy a planet just by opening his mouth then you come find me. Darth Caedus (born Jacen Solo) is the main antagonist of The Legacy of the Force series. Caedus at his peak could challenge Yoda, let alone a broken man in a suit. This opened the C… His armor is still better against it than Caedus' raw flesh. Who will win in a fight between Darth Caedus and Darth Vader (Legends)? i just read your list and nothing can discribe how wrong you are. First thing is first I will list out all the evidence. Now which sith lord is the Strongest of all star wars? And that other random Mando beat up Jaina? It was also taken to signify giving up one's old life. I wanted to strangle Traviss with her own vaginal pubes for that one. Eh...neither one is anywhere near the most powerful Sith Lord. Duel wielding or not. Yeah, but that was only on the blurb, so I don't know if it counts. The Black Sun grows tired of waiting and as the promises that Darth Caedus made them stray even further from coming true, they soon offer him an ultimatum. since hasnt been stated and that your basing your theories that sidous could not be drain then nihilus wins. The Solos would be inside a chamber, blindfolded, and targeted with flying objects. Darth Bane, as the only survivor of the Sith Order after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, was largely able to reshape the Sith in his own image, instituting such reforms as the Sith of his lineage adopted the Darth title as he did, generally coupling it with a new Sith name (e.g. All Vader got is telekenisis and saber throw and still he has to use all his concentration to do that. Kun probably wins, but there should be a fight. Judging from Caedus's performance against LotF Luke... Luke was injured though, and the environment favored Caedus, didn't it? But not all is perfect for the villains. nihilus becoming a darkside entity after stripping aways his body his not. But Vader should win. I think this is a very very even match-up, Dark Empire Sidious obviously wins this outright, but I remain unconvinced that the Sidious we see during the Revenge of the Sith would be able to easily handle yet another of the Skywalker lineage. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Darth Vader, known on Earth as a fictional character from the Star Wars films, was apparently also a real person. Superhero battle match: Darth Caedus versus Darth Vader (Legends). Round 5: Vader vs. Darth Sion The most sensitive of the three Solo children, Solo became a powerful Jedi Knight under his uncle Luke Skywalker's tutelage. Aug 2, 2019 - Explore Cody Renteria's board "Darth Caedus" on Pinterest. Darth Traya/Darth Sion vs. Darth Vader/Darth Caedus Started by: carthage Remember when she had Tahiri freeze up and get punked by a Mandalorian because her force powers didn't work and such a thing is 'incomprehensible' to her? I don't see someone who lost to a rage boosted rookie Luke beating him. See more ideas about darth caedus, jacen solo, star wars sith. Round 3: Vader vs. Exar Kun. EvanNova95 358,006 views. But I see your point about the shatterpoint. EvanNova95 100,353 views. RotJ Luke = RotJ Vader in sabers. Superhero battle match: Darth Caedus versus Darth Vader (Pre-Mustafar). They angrily ended the sparring match. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Such examples are Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader, or Jacen Solo becoming Darth Caedus. when sidous is able to destryoy a planet just by opening his mouth then you come find me. Caedus got kneecapped by a Mandalorian. Now which sith lord is the Strongest of all star wars? Darth Krayt.....without a doubt. really can give a list of the top ten jedi because i really dont study them. But really they both are just low end overrrated sith. I'm curious about who y'all think are superior. Darth Caedus is extremely skilled with Niman (please let me know if I miss anything) While Caedus is skilled with the blade so is Vader. start reading the comics. sidous saying that he is a void of the darkside is a title. He has more feats that make sense, plus his armor doesn't hinder him like how vader's suit does. As you said Luke hits him in ESB and his lightsaber barely does anything. In fact almost all sith are crappy duelist. Here's a reason: Caedus Has FL to put down a Vader who has already fallen far from his peak in RoTS. Anyway, does anyone have an argument that isn't pointing to Caedus' fight with Luke? Still waiting for speed feats from Krayt that compare. when anakin became darh vader he had to change entire fighting do to his massive size and slowness. jacen solo | proud star wars nerd who has a crush on thrawn All he need to do is just pull out the old A sharad hett Tusken Raider gadaffi stick and play PGA golf on Vader's Dome. Because he's demonstrably less powerful than Luke is, Luke Forcepwning him several times in LotF and when Jacen does try to block him, Luke almost shatters his collarbone in response. darth vader has shown in the past to have with people with double wielding lightsabers. Darth was a title given to the Dark Lords of the Sith Order, which preceded a moniker different from the birth name. The barely fought directly in that fight. He still does have the edge in most respects though. Vader supersedes Krayt in TK, durability, dueling skill, and versatility. Caedus wielded his Sith lightsaber until his death in 41 ABY where he used it in a duel with his twin sister Jaina Solo. Turning his lightsaber upon himself, hit ignited the blade and fatally struck … He has more feats that make sense, plus his armor doesn't hinder him like how vader's suit does. - Duration: 59:59. Darth Caedus constructed a red-bladed lightsaber to compensate for the loss of his original lightsaber, one that he had constructed in 22 ABY while still a Jedi Knight. Tsavong Lah lies in wait. Round 4: Vader vs. Darth Revan. Palpatine vs Windu , neither used the force in that much until Palpatine lost his lightsaber . I'm not going to list his feats that dwarf almost everyone on your list. Duel wielding or not. and only why he was able to do that was because plaguies was to busy focusng inside of himself. where does it say that sidous is immune to draining. He has far greater dueling feats (he has fought and beaten several Jedi during the Purge), better Telekinesis (has knocked over massive trees, moved ships, can use Lightsaber Throw, etc. The great and powerful Gideon presented a wise argument against taking the publisher's summary as the gospel. On top of that Vader is not tactical in dueling. vader saw maul he just couldnt keep up with him. ... Darth Vader VS Yoda: Who Wins? Okay to quote Windu “I’m going to end this once and for all!” Vader is repeatedly stated and demonstrated to be more powerful than Sidious. Darth Caedus (born Jacen Solo) is themain antagonist of The Legacy of the Force series and formerly one of the protagonistsof the New Jedi Order series. I remember Tahiri shooting Pellaeon, which made me incensed. ?And how would the top jedi be ranked?Oh brother said that sidious would destroy yoda in a this true? " Darth Vader is a Dark Lord of the Sith and the apprentice of Emperor Palpatine, ruler of the Galactic Empire. your saying ragnos is not a powerful sith because he rule th sith for over 100 years, sadow and kressh or any other wouldnt dare challagne him. @HolySerpent: I can't believe you left out Darth Bane. darth krayt uses two lightsabers often. Darth Vader And Luke’s Final Fight , neither really used the force much other than Vader reading Luke’s mind about his sister . Let's analyze the fight between Luke Skywalker and Darth Caedus in Legacy of the Force: Inferno. ), knows Deflection, knows Absorption, has demonstrated a small level of power in Mind Control, has higher durability/pain tolerance (survived a Dark Side Burst and fought with multiple saber wounds), etc. In terms of Force abilities Vader can … The last half of LOTF was the absolute nadir of the old EU, a nauseating trainwreck that did an astronomical amount of damage to that continuity without having any merits beyond parts of Fury. (COMIC: Party Animals) Vader was once good but eventually turned to the Dark Side. Caedus gave Grand master Luke a hard time. Darth Caedus is an absolute master of the force and so is Vader despite his diminished force abilities from his duel on mustafar. Vader's telekinetic abilities were highly advanced and he has even been shown being able to use them against Jedi breaking through their force barrier's and throttling them to death. Yes to lightning. There's reason to believe that Luke wasn't in a good mental state during the fight. Round two - Darth Caedus (DC77) vs Darth Tenebrous (The Ellimist) _____ Darth Caedus as of Legacy of the Force - Invincible. ragnos death did resulted in sadow and kressh to fight for the thrown , setting up the end of the empire. " He attended Bonjaxx's birthday party in Maruthea and talked with a Ferengi. Darth Krayt.....without a doubt. Round 2: Vader vs. Marka Ragnos. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. These two are equals in lightsaber combat. you putting bane above revan shows me how much of a noob you are to starwars. Looking at him only after he took up the Darth moniker, however...I actually have to give it to Kylo. darth nihilus was embodiment of the darkside, yes darth sidous is confirmed to be the most powerful but i dont see how can beat or hurt nihilus. [4] KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Knightfall Vader vs. Darth Caedus Listen to the audio pronunciation of Darth Caedus on pronouncekiwi. revan has not sound ridiculous. I hate TFU for that type of overpowered feats. But it's true, it's canon. And remember when Boba Fett beat up Jaina? If we're including Caedus' time as Jacen, he obviously wins by a monumental landslide. check wookiedia.. you dont read whats on the sight but they have upload images. Lumiya and Darth Caedus Vs Darth Vader and Obi-Wan. I was wondering what everyone thought, Darth Sidious from ROTS vs Darth Caedus in his prime. Mandalore The … In my eyes it doesn't prove much of anything. New drinking game: take a shot every time a Mandalorian/clone disparages a Force user in a Traviss novel. Obi Wan And Darth Vader’s Fight on the Death Star , neither used the force in that either . As Silver pointed out, he has the better dueling feats, and more powerful TK. Yes. maul was not going that fast when he was fighting vader. Wins, most likely. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Lumiya and Darth Caedus Vs Darth Vader and Obi-Wan. That may not be very useful in this because Krayt has shown some moderate TP resistance, and Vader's mental powers are only at a basic level. And just because people do well against Luke doesnt mean Caedus is less powerful, it means those people could probably give Vader a fight too. This made Flip Jackson compare him to the Valeyard, who was the embodiment of the Doctor's dark side. sidous has plaguies beat by killing him while he slept shows incalculable power *that was sarcasm*. darth vader has shown in the past to have with people with double wielding lightsabers due to his bulky size. Ancient Sith never really impressed me at all, and they are almost featless to my knowledge. 53:27. ragnos death did resulted in sadow and kressh to fight for the thrown , setting up the end of the empire. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. I'm curious about who y'all think are superior. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Versus Series Darth Vader VS Darth Caedus - Duration: 53:27. sidous saying that he is a void of the darkside is a title. Between the two I believe Vader to be the stronger. darth bane wasnt that powerful, he was just very dedicated to the sith philosophy ". The next day, the three Jedi students were brought together for an exercise. God, what a fail moment. Thank you for helping build the largest language ... How To Pronounce Darth Vader vs. Hitler; How To Pronounce Darth Vader's helmet; How To Pronounce Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline; However, Vader could simply use his lightsaber to block the attack, and although he has never used it for this purpose to my knowledge, he does know Deflection which could be useful as well. It roughly translated to \"Dark Lord.\"[12] The Sith names of Sheev Palpatine, Count Dooku, and Anakin Skywalker were Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus, and Darth Vader, respectively. first of all im not using titles. 59:59. KMC Forums > Star Wars > Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe > Star Wars Versus Forum > Darth Vader vs Darth Caedus. Vader was once the esteemed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, whose unparalleled midichlorian count labeled him as the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. He just pounds and pounds while using his cybernetic strength to back him up. darth bane wasnt that powerful, he was just very dedicated to the sith philosophy. Except as you said, in TFU games he tanks Galen Mareks lightning which took down an AT-AT. Anakin fought using two lightsabers against Tyranus, and he has had several duels against Ventress, at least one of which he won. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. But the origins of the word are uncertain. darth nihilus was embodiment of the darkside, yes darth sidous is confirmed to be the most powerful but i dont see how can beat or hurt nihilus. No wonder Revan turned away from being the lord of the Sith and had to lay the smackdown on Malak. And Vader has a lightsaber to block Caedus' FL. Lumiya that Jacen exploited sidous saying that he is a Dark lord of the Legacy of the graphics features... In dueling and slowness 's Mind Control has the better dueling feats, and they are almost to... Could not be drain then nihilus wins made a mistake on Vader 's suit does Vader maul! Will list out all the evidence,... with both fighting as Darth Vader has shown in past. 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