1. Wittgenstein (1974) further discusses the differences between elementary propositions and complex propositions. MARCEL’S PHENOMENOLOGICAL METHODby Manuel B. Dy Jr. I see the book from a perspective whose other sides are not immediately perceived. Here is a true-to-fact example of primary and secondary reflection from a student: Once, during the early years of my adolescence, I have a pet canary. The Socratic instructor only facilitates the dialogue while motivating the students to keep on thinking. That time I felt a longing inside me, a longing to have him back. In secondary reflection, I would have to penetrate into the inner core of my person. But such revelation happens only under the horizon of “time”. I was angry at everything. Socrates constructed no system. Martin Heidegger and the Hermeneutical Method. My body. Qualitative research methodologies focus on meaning and although use similar methods have differing epistemological and ontological underpinnings, with each approach offering a different lens to explore, interpret or explain phenomena in real-world contexts and settings. [1] In the “Being and Time” the term “being” is expressed in two ways. 73-74). A philosopher for Socrates is someone who loves wisdom. In phenomenology, individuals are considered as conscious subjects who act intentionally and who give meaning to their actions. Language in this regard is a picturing, since it presents to us an objectivity that is coming from the states of affairs derived from the configurations of objects in the world. A creature, as long as it gives me pleasure whenever I see or hear it, belongs to me. What we think of while being conscious of them are not just mere representations but actual objects whose hidden parts are hypothesize. For Example: The narrative method can be used in a business to understand the different challenges faced by the target audience. From that day on, I never saw my canary again. The statement, “The red roses are in the garden.” is an example of a compound logical statement. The above text already encloses Socrates’ teaching, in insisting the necessity of admitting one’s ignorance rather than insisting an assumed knowledge. The method is later known as “the Socratic method of questioning.”. The objects on my table constitutes for a lived experience of which I too am aware. From the ancient period down to the present, philosophers have engaged into an open ended-debate arguing about the possibility of a unified philosophical method. It centers its approach in qualifying the limitations of language. Being is lost in the way we conceptualize things in speech. What this means is, objects present to us in perception under specific spatiotemporal condition. The history of philosophy is marked by the struggle for the search of the right method. Unlike before when I only know how to listen to the song of a bird in a cage, now I have learned to listen how to listen to every bird I hear. So that other-worldly talks through metaphysical statements are to be identified as proving nothing and hence nonsensical. It is under such presupposition that one will truly seek to acquire true wisdom. Therefore, for Heidegger, “language is the house of Being”. Under the aspect of soul, he is gifted with the power of reason, free and immortal. I immediately rushed into the house and got my air rifle. For example, he writes about meeting a friend at a cafe. For him, wisdom primarily springs from realizing that “this man among you, mortals, is wisest who…understands that his wisdom is worthless” (Plato, 2000, p. 23b). I thank Professor Rowena Palacios of the Ateneo de Manila University and Professor Celso Pernia of the Western Mindanao State University for being my inspirations in teacing Philosophy. The world of objects is the only realm where language finds its meaning. For Socrates knowledge begins the moment one admits her ignorance, that is, of realizing that “[her] wisdom is worthless” (Plato, 2000, p. 23b). This brings us to what Heidegger identifies as the “Hermeneutics of Facticity.” The hermeneutics of facticity entails the revaluation of our conscious presuppositions of things as detached from the very structure of “everydayness”. Edmund Husserl begins his project of phenomenology by inquiring how our linguistic utterances and judgments – though are purely mental in structures – direct us to objects existent in the world. The historical understanding of oneself is the project of every human person. The truth-value of such complex propositions is identified by the truth-value of its constitutive propositions. You may be interested in this: https://philonotes.com/index.php/2018/05/13/ethics/ and https://www.swami-krishnananda.org/phil/phil_03.html. But this is beside the point. For Husserl, the conscious experiences refer to the human being’s aware reception of the world and of his own reception of the world. The existentialist philosopher Gabriel Marcel uses a phenomenological method less technical than Husserl’s. It is an analysis on the proper determination of the meaning of our linguistic expressions, their truthfulness and falsity and how they relate to us a world that is real. In other words, the text that one reads may give a variety of meanings to a variety of readers. The use of group descriptive phenomenology within a mixed methods study to understand the experience of music therapy for women with breast cancer. Socrates engaged in a “didactic dialogue” of questioning that is expressed in the critical examination and cross-examination of the positions of every participant to the conversation. Analytic philosophy tends to provide an accurate presentation on the nature of language in order to solve the problems set by philosophy. 117.) The dentist cannot experience the pain I feel when he pulls my tooth because my tooth is mine. "Madaling maging tao, mahirap magpakatao". He met every assertion with an invitation to seek the ground of its truth. I would be tempted to destroy the web. As discussed above the Socratic Method is characterized with a method of dialectical questioning that serves as a guide for students to arrive at the right procedure of knowing the truth. I think that it is in man’s nature to have sadistic tendencies. Isn’t it that our understanding of the world, and even God, is somehow based on what we understand of ourselves? It means that the truth-value of a proposition is determined by the truth-value of its constituent parts. Very often, I would watch spiders spinning their webs. Understanding the experience of midlife women taking part in a work-life balance career coaching programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. There are as many methods as there are philosophers who want to provide an exhaustive account of the matter they hold in question, although only few among them agree with each other’s presuppositions. Because of this, the meaning of Being is lost in our interaction through language. Real possession can be mine to a greater degree than the master’s if the bond of friendship between that dog and me is greater. For instance, while I am writing a few sentences right now, I am likewise aware of the presence of my favorite coffee mug adjacent to the screen of my laptop. The phenomenology of several constructs related to creativity have also been investigated by a number of researchers, at times using a stricter phenomenological method, as described above, and at times using a more general qualitative approach. They do not have objective empirical equivalences. And if I am a prostitute and still have conscience, I experience (when I sell my body) a terrible feeling that I am selling myself. Phenomenological Methods Phenomenology, in its literal sense, is a study of phenomenon. However, unlike Descartes who doubted the certitude of the world outside the cogito, Husserl begins his assumptions with an existing world outside of and for which the thinking I is always conscious. Want to be notified when our article is published? This determination of the truth-value of the compound by its element facts is what is referred to as the truth function of logical statements. Enter your email address and name below to be the first to know. What this means is that in order for a conscious understanding to occur in interpretation, the interpreter must take into consideration the “alterity” of the text. For Descartes, there is one obvious certitude: “that I exist and that the I that exists is essentially a thinking I – the cogito” (Ariel, 1998, pp. I was desperate, and the only thought that was in my mind was to capture the creature even if it meant that I had to kill him. The same function can … I discover that my watch is not there; but it ought to be there; normally my watch is in my pocket. It seeks to ground the debate on the diversified problems of philosophy under the right determination of the nature of language. This chapter, thus far, ably presents the four main methods of philosophy: the Socratic, phenomenological, hermeneutic, and analytical methods. 73-74). Rene Descartes, who is considered as the Father of Modern philosophy, initiated the philosophical revolution in modernity with his establishment of a method that seeks to ground all of our truth-claims upon the most universal and self-evident certitude. Historicity, for Heidegger (2008), entails the horizon into which every Dasein is thrown into. [1] For him, the meaning of Being is “forgotten.” In the past, Being was conceived as most universal, indefinable and self-evident thing. Wittgenstein (1974) further elucidates the differences between facts and objects. Propositions such as, “The rose is beautiful”, “The dog is barking”, “The car is broken” are some examples of elementary propositions. 73-74). Phenomenological Method One of the types of qualitative research methods, the phenomenological approach aims to explore the experiences of a particular phenomena in a community or a group of people. Wittgenstein (1974) explicates thus: The correct method of philosophy would really be the following: to say nothing except what can be said, i.e., propositions of natural science―i.e., something that has nothing to do with philosophy―and then, whatever someone wanted to say something metaphysical, to demonstrate to him that he had failed to give meaning to certain signs in his propositions. Rene Descartes, who is considered as the Father of Modern philosophy, initiated the philosophical revolution in modernity with his establishment of a method that seeks to ground all of our truth-claims upon the most universal and self-evident certitude. So that statements such as, “Angels are spirits.”, “The soul is a substance.”, and the likes are nonsensical because they do not point to a state of affairs. Background to the study, and statement of the problem and research question Leadership has always been – and always will be – a popular field of study in any social or organisational context. The logical configurations and arrangements of objects result then to the formulation of meaningful statements. From here, Husserl’s phenomenological investigation is born. This is realized by allowing the students to qualify their truth-claims as they engage in the didactic dialogue, that is to lead them to think deeper and assert what they hold to be true. Primary reflection breaks the unity of experience. Such is made possible by inquiring into the nature of truth. Phenomenological method does not begin with pre-existing theories, nor does it test hypotheses, and it does not explain human experience with reference to neurological or environmental causes. This person has a job that is mindless, repetitive, and monotonous. Socrates in wanting to understand what the oracle of the god of Delphi set forth by questioning people who were referred to as wisest, for he knows in himself that he is not wise (Plato, 2000, p. 21b). I remember the time when I used to sit there on the porch, just listening to his beautiful singing. The phenomenological method serves to momentarily erase the world of speculation by returning the subject to his or her primordial experience of the matter, whether the object of inquiry is a feeling, an idea, or a perception. Primary reflection is the foundation of scientific knowledge, for science assumes a stand where the world is apart from the subject. Phenomenology, then, “takes its start in the fundamental problem of describing accurately and completely the essential features of our everyday lived experience” (Solomon, 2002, p. 112). In a matter of minutes he was gone. Giorgi (2009) based his method … Analytic philosophy further explains the nature of language by identifying logical statements with their atomic parts and elements. Taking for instance our experience of what a book is in reality is primarily expressed in our being conscious of it. I could not bear it if I was to see him in the possession of another person. 73-74). phenomenological analysis (Smith, 1996), for example, may seem to offer more pala-table alternatives in this regard. Last is the analytic method, which is concerned with the determination of language as expressing “the state of affairs” in the world. As we know, Rene Descartes, the acclaimed Father of Modern Philosophy, initiated the philosophical revolution in modernity by offering a method … It is the study of a particular phenomenon through interviews of people who have experienced it to find out the similarities between their experiences. But all these are contingent, relative to the inner self that I am. I kept him in a small cage which I placed on the porch table. For example, a birthing woman's experience of pain or caregiving as it is experienced by a nurse. Of course, none of these charges was true in so far as Socrates’ conduct to the public were seen by his students. This person, the one who has lost awareness of the sense of the ontological, the one whose capacity to wonder has atrophied to the extent of becoming a vestigial trait, is an example of the influence of the misapplication of the idea of function. Socrates explicates thus: I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks he knows something when he does not know, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I now, so I am likely to be wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know (Plato, 2000, p. 21d). They relay to us what is the case. "As they further note, he blurred the "distinctions between rational and irrational, subject and object." What can be thought of as utterances that are meaningful are statements of the world? To get a grasp of their discussion, this chapter presents the commonly held significant philosophical methods with their main proponents and fundamental claims. Time then constitutes an important dimension of the human person because only along time can she understand the meaning of her life. Phenomenon refers to "that which appears," in contrast to noumenon, which refers to "that which does not appear." In other words, for the logical atomists, propositions are statements of facts. The dialectic of questionings – by way of this kind of midwifery – intends ultimately to guide the students to further qualify their presuppositions in order for them to arrive at a truth that is clear and free from all doubts. The philosophical study of man comes last in the curriculum. My first reaction was to try to get him back, no matter what it cost. Statement such as “The car is red” is a statement of a fact. Examples of research questions for different qualitative methodologies . Either way the proposition makes sense because it can be verified as either true or false. Being in the world and experiencing it entails that the world is something that is outside of us and not just a mere product of our mental exercises. They are objects embedded with specific world-views. Although phenomenological approaches typically employ sm all sample siz es, this is n ot always the case; for example, Benn er and colleagues’ (Tanner et al., 1993) use of interpretive teams There is the capital “B” and a small “b”. Since I put value in it, it is, in a sense, my own. Socrates was aware of this paradox with his insistence of having to know nothing despite of the gods calling him the wisest. The former, on the one hand, presupposes a logical statement that is constituted by an atomic fact, which cannot be broken down into meaningful statements. “Objects are simple” (pp. “I think; therefore, I am.” And it is on this certitude that Edmund Husserl, known to be the founder of the modern phenomenological movement, embraces the same Cartesian assumption. This didactic dialogue intends not to convey new truth but only as guide to arriving at the truth (Nelson, 1965, pp. The task of recovering the meaning of Being is realized the moment we ask about it. She is the one who “discusses virtue everyday” (Plato, 2000, p. 37e) and who constantly embraces the thought of her being ignorant. Such is made possible for, as Husserl argues, our everyday lived experiences are intentional and perspectival. Categorical Logic: Terms and Propositions, Categorical Statements in Traditional Logic, Quantifying Statements in Categorical Logic, Disjunctive Syllogism: Rules of Inference, Qualitative Research Techniques: Delphi Technique, Research Designs, Methods, and Techniques, Syllabus: Comparative Philosophy of Education, Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Hegelian Dialectic: Meaning and Key Concepts, Emile Durkheim’s Sociological Theory: Key Concepts, Max Weber’s Sociological Theory: Key Concepts. Some examples: Who am I? It shows how language is related to what is real in the sensible terms. My perception of what I assert to be a book of the “Idea” is different from my perception of the façade of the book. The secondary reflection is strictly speaking, the phenomenological method of Marcel, whereas the primary reflection would seem to correspond to the natural attitude of Husserl. It does not go against the data of primary reflection but goes beyond it by refusing top accept the data of primary reflection as final. In most cases, my awareness of something appears to be one-sided, although it does not happen that way all the time. However, I would hold back my hand for I know that the fulfillment of my savage tendency is nothing compared to the pleasure of appreciating the beauty of nature. The world is a constitution of objects. The book in the process of the eidetic reduction is reduced into the state of a pure mental phenomenon. Hence, statements make sense only when they are statements of facts. 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