Communal revenues are drawn from the proceeds of communal property, interest upon capital, taxes and local dues. Her mother was always attentive and showed interest for her daughter's school matters. 3. Why don't you leave me your name, and if Mr. Bylun believes it in his best interest, he'll return your call. She should take more interest in it – if only for his sake. The more I have a personal vested interest in your success, the better. What is another word for showing interest? Narrow gauge and normal gauge railways of local interest covered 3905 m. It assigns its quota of taxes (contingent) to each arrondissement, authorizes the sale, purchase or exchange of departmental property, superintends the management thereof, authorizes the construction of new roads, railways or canals, and advises on matters of local interest. She held her breath and stayed still, praying their interest was passing, and they'd move on. About 80,000 went in payments on all the estates to the Land Bank, about 30,000 went for the upkeep of the estate near Moscow, the town house, and the allowance to the three princesses; about 15,000 was given in pensions and the same amount for asylums; 150,000 alimony was sent to the countess; about 70,000 went for interest on debts. A letter of interest should begin with a compelling statement regarding the basis of your interest in that employer and industry. In the midst of this conversation, which was beginning to interest Napoleon, Berthier's eyes turned to look at a general with a suite, who was galloping toward the knoll on a lathering horse. whispered the little princess, sticking the needle into her work as if to testify that the interest and fascination of the story prevented her from going on with it. Dean crossed his fingers that bureaucracy would take some time in unsnarling its spaghetti of red tape and Martha would remain in a back corner of their interest. Difficult as it was to believe he was involved in something like this, it was even harder to believe he had no interest in her. bleeding. Rules may also be made in respect to other matters besides those mentioned in the schedule, and companies may be called upon to adopt or reject, as the case may be, any appliance, the use or disuse of which may be considered desirable in the interest of the men. Speaking of preying on those weaker than you, I have an interest in your … patient. With Mademoiselle Bourienne's help the princess had maintained the conversation very well, but at the very last moment, just when he rose, she was so tired of talking of what did not interest her, and her mind was so full of the question why she alone was granted so little happiness in life, that in a fit of absent-mindedness she sat still, her luminous eyes gazing fixedly before her, not noticing that he had risen. I lost track of time until Alex came along and revived my interest in the ranch. You could say they were used for leverage if the country trounced too far on our generosity or refused to take into account our national interest when they acted up. How did the call center respond to the flood of interest? Everything not connected with the execution of the prince's orders did not interest and did not even exist for Alpatych. If his interest in her was feigned, what harm was there in playing along? His interest also in public matters was incessant, especially ecclesiastical questions, and such as bore upon the social welfare and moral improvement of the masses. He won the good-will of his employers by devoting himself to the improvement of their manufacturing business, and he kept his hands clean from the prevalent taint of pecuniary transactions with the nawab of the Carnatic. Phillips, 1896); A Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus (1897); The Nature of Capital and Income (1906); The Rate of Interest 0907); National Vitality (1909); The Purchasing Power of Money (1911); Elementary Principles of Economics (1913); Why is the Dollar Shrinking? The whole interest was concentrated on Rostov. The cura tori or curatoli (factors) receive 40 a year, with a slight interest in the profits; the stockmen hardly earn in money and kind 13; the muleteers and underworkmen get between 5 to 8, plus firewood, bread and oil; irregular workmen have even lower wages, with a daily distribution of bread, salt and oil. It's not as if they don't have a mutual interest in this business. Within the town the streets are often dark and narrow, and, apart from the cathedral and the hotel de ville, the architecture is of little interest. The same skill you have that we would help you learn to use is also of interest to those we are trying to protect humans from. She took an active interest in the political debate. Shaw (1900); The Protestant Interest in Cromwell's Foreign Relations, by J. I feel a genuine interest in the animals themselves, because they are real animals and not caricatures of men. All other daughters had only a life interest in their dowry, which reverted to their family, if childless, or went to their children if they had any. The old prince did not evince the least interest during this explanation, but as if he were not listening to it continued to dress while walking about, and three times unexpectedly interrupted. show benefit for. Expenditure amounted to 3,768,888, of which the principal items were 760,000 for roads and bridges, 520,000 for lunatic asylums, ~4o,ooo for foundling hospitals, 320,000 for interest on debtand 200,000 for police. But if the epithet is intended to designate an animal that takes an interest in its rider so far as a beast can, that in some way understands his intentions, or shares them in a subordinate fashion, that obeys from a sort of submissive or halffellow-feeling' with his master, like the horse or elephant, then I say that the camel is by no means docile - very much the contrary. Mr. Tim was staring at her in surprise, Brady in intense interest. Outside of his remark about her swimsuit, and the two kisses he had forced on her, he had shown no special interest in her. In a third tragedy, Love's Sacrifice (acted c. 1630; printed in 1633), he again worked on similar materials; but this time he unfortunately essayed to base the interest of his plot upon an unendurably unnatural possibility - doing homage to virtue after a fashion which is in itself an insult. She always had the best interests of the agency at heart. Surely he didn't think Gerald had an interest in her. There seems to have been little practical interest in spiritualism in England till 1852, when its first development took the form of a mania for table-turning. The salesman hoped that the minivan would interest the … A man might make his wife a settlement by deed of gift, which gave her a life interest in part of his property, and he might reserve to her the right to bequeath it to a favourite child, but she could in no case leave it to her family. The cathedral is of great historic and architectural interest. First of all, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, me-> I. Prince Andrew spoke with some animation and interest only of the new homestead he was constructing and its buildings, but even here, while on the scaffolding, in the midst of a talk explaining the future arrangements of the house, he interrupted himself: "And of state interest to some extent," said Prince Andrew. The subject has a special interest for Italy, which is devastated by malaria, and Italian science has contributed materially to the solution of the problem. Now, with Quinn's interest piqued, we were a committed pack of five dedicated to seek answers, wherever they might lie. "How weird?" Pledges were often made where the intrinsic value of the article was equivalent to the amount of the debt; but antichretic pledge was more common, where the profit of the pledge was a set-off against the interest of the debt. Her latest film has generated a lot of, 28. Understand to show interest meaning and enrich your vocabulary Sometimes one of those great cakes slips from the ice-man's sled into the village street, and lies there for a week like a great emerald, an object of interest to all passers. Cromwell's moderate counsels created distrust in his good faith amongst the soldiers, who accused him of "prostituting the liberties and persons of all the people at the foot of the king's interest.". "He looks so un-dead-dead," Death said, a rare trace of interest in her sweet voice. Do your parents take an interest in your friends? Hearing that she once had a goat dairy might have piqued his interest, though. As Katie had pointed out, if she had shown a healthy interest, she would have detected something. Obviously they thought she was upset by Michael's interest in another girl. Its grey houses have a neglected, almost a dilapidated appearance, from the friable stone of which they are constructed; and there are no buildings of antiquarian interest or striking architectural beauty, except, perhaps, the ruined citadel and the remnants of the town walls. He had an interest in a plumbing supply store his brother Ralph operated. The rest was made up of capital and interest. The child's eagerness and interest carry her over many obstacles that would be our undoing if we stopped to define and explain everything. He showed little interest in books or music. Once only do we find him taking an interest in the affairs of his neighbours, - to ask pardon from the government for a homicide.'. Remember! When her son Randy, visiting Bird Song over his Christmas college break, had expressed an interest in the sport, she had a fit. 's coronation in 1821 for the wife of Joseph Holden Strutt, M.P. Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair. Now why do you suppose he'd interest them? In these circumstances the state agreed to guarantee the interest on the capital, the sums it paid in this way being regarded as advances to be reimbursed in the future with interest at 4%. He neared, assessing her with a level of interest that made her uncomfortable. All these conversations, especially the joking with the girls, were such as might have had a particular charm for Petya at his age, but they did not interest him now. As soon as my strength returned, I began to take an interest in what the people around me were doing. As they strolled along, Ryland discussed the recent rise of interest in the sport. The secret of a good momory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our, 10. By these laws the reception of novices was forbidden in the existing conventual establishments the extinction of which had been decreed, and all new foundations were forbidden, except those engaged in instruction and the care of the sick. It was strange how something like those diamond earrings could stir her interest in the wedding, but it did. Didn't the Boston ladies have any interest in the other items you're donating to the museum? She sent to Bartlesville for information on the pediatrics ward and hinted at interest in a job there. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. She didn't know how much time she had before Xander's interest became too hard to shake. He expressed an interest in learning more about photography. Jennifer, ignorant to the significance of the second entrance, expressed little interest in the opening. He understood it was in their best interest to protect humanity. show consideration for. That the godling with the hormones of a teen might have more of an interest in the girl never crossed Xander's mind. We can also use it in passive voice. Gibbons would have been suspicious if you told him to keep quiet about your interest in Corbin. Under the heading "Remarks" are noted (for vessels with sail power) making, shortening and trimming sails; and (for all ships) employment of crew, times of passing prominent landmarks, altering of course, and any subject of interest and FIG. Some guy, who obviously had more interest in her than the art, got a little touchy-feely. It is a poem, of no great interest, on the life of the Buddha. Some people don't know the difference between being friendly and indicating personal interest. To them the words of Miloradovich seem very interesting, and so do their surmises and the rewards this or that general received; but the question of those fifty thousand men who were left in hospitals and in graves does not even interest them, for it does not come within the range of their investigation. I don't know, guess I never took an interest. Read below for advice on how to write a letter of interest, get a template to download, and review sample letters of interest for a variety of circumstances. He had two brothers who served and died in India, and he never ceased to take a deep and practical interest in Indian affairs. I encouraged him to enroll at nearby Boston University in hopes he'd find an interest. According to Alex, Gerald had expressed interest several years ago – when the summer cottage thing was only an idea. A1: Show interest by asking what your partner is working on. Maybe that was why Josh had never shown much interest in her then. In 1891, when the debt of the republic amounted to $87,789,973, or about £18,678,710, the government suspended payment of interest, and an arrangement was made with the bondholders. That was a pretty good indication of interest - or lack thereof. This page is part of English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project . This gratifies the child's love of approbation and keeps up her interest in things. This interest and the popular tone of the history may be combined with the fact that the literature does not take us into the midst of that world of activity in which the events unfolded themselves. Rajputana is of great archaeological interest, possessing some fine religious buildings in ruins and others in excellent preservation. Examples from Classical Literature. The ruins still visible on the site bear the name of Palaea Fokia, but they are of little interest. Dean grabbed his coat, glad to be doing something that took his mind off Vinnie Baratto, Arthur Atherton and the fact he and Cynthia Byrne were items of interest to some very nasty people. His interest seemed to increase when she clutched the sheets to conceal her state of undress. What's the Dawkinses' interest in all this? Ask your partner what’s going on with him or her. Relevant examples for the noun would be: His main interest is golf. Yet as the world began to open beyond her little circle, she realized that he had been open about his interest all along. Rhyn hesitated, unable to shake the disturbing sense that Katie's interest came from her resolve that this was the last time they'd see each other. In 1867 she accompanied the emperor to Budapest, s nd took much interest in tile reconciliation with the Magyars. I HAVE TRIED FROM THE BEGINNING TO TALK NATURALLY TO HELEN AND TO TEACH HER TO TELL ME ONLY THINGS THAT INTEREST HER AND ASK QUESTIONS ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF FINDING OUT WHAT SHE WANTS TO KNOW. Her eyes traveled with intent interest over his face and followed the trail of her fingers down his neck. 2. The interest and the conversation are about costume and manners chiefly; but a goose is a goose still, dress it as you will. He spoke of what he knew might interest the old lady and that she could understand. I think it is her joyous interest in everything and everybody. She's not capable of acting anyone's interest but her own. Choose the best letter of interest sample that fits with your situation, but don’t simply copy the example word-for-word. Alfred Langdon Elwyn has edited Letters by Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Others, Written During and After the Revolution, to John Langdon of New Hampshire (Philadelphia, 1880), a book of great interest and value. He was quiet long enough to rouse her interest, and she glanced up to determine the cause of his silence. Lombardy was, roughly speaking, divided between two parties, the one headed by Pavia professing loyalty to the empire, the other headed by Milan ready to oppose its claims. After all, he'd shown no real interest in her, aside from sleeping with her. There was no branch of knowledge in which he did not take an absorbing interest, no polite art which he did not cultivate and encourage. He started to sketch something, paused then leaned forward with more interest and continued. It's a conflict of interest, she said with some exasperation. His interest was obvious, so he merely smiled. Of especial interest in this respect are the numerous myths and legends scattered through these works. He was appointed inspector-general of higher education in 1876, and after his election as life senator in 1881 he continued to take an active interest in educational questions, especially as affected by compulsory military service. English words and Examples of Usage use "interest in " in a sentence He has very little interest in his children. There are a few creatures I've collected over the years that interest me. Wynn leaned forward, interest on his face. Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure. This well-marked sub-region has a deeper interest than the botanical. Whether the intelligence and efficiency of the officials charged by the state with the handling of its railway system will be sufficient to make them act in the interest of the public as fully as do the managers of private corporations, is a question whose answer can only be determined by actual experience in each case. To a less degree, the same is true of railways built for a special instead of a general commercial interest. Worst of all was the façade of romantic interest. In November 1895 he himself formed a cabinet of a pronouncedly radical type, the main interest of which was attached to its fall, as the result of a constitutional crisis arising from the persistent refusal of the senate to vote supply. What is surprising is that they should trouble about these things now when it can no longer be of interest to them. There was genuine uneasiness in her voice that drew his interest. Jonathan's interest in horses was genuine. The city confers the title of marquis on the Osorio family, the ruins of whose palace, sacked in 1810 by the French, are still an object of interest. Examples of Interest in a sentence. interests in a sentence. The bird fauna is of considerable interest, the finest species of the upper zone being an eagle-owl, met with at 14,000 ft. To the temple came the poor farmer to borrow seed corn or supplies for harvesters, &c. - advances which he repaid without interest. They ended up in the living room, watching a baseball game in which neither had a lick of interest. interest in allowing Mangasha to be of Tigre. A flare of interest was in Darkyn's black gaze, one that made her realize he wasn't leaving until he was finished with her. She saw a full range of eye colors, though she noticed with some interest that blue or green eyes were unnaturally clear-- unlike her Mediterranean, green-blue-grey gaze. But at least you had my best interest in mind. I’m a big fan of… Use this phrase for something or someone you admire, not something you do. But the ice itself is the object of most interest, though you must improve the earliest opportunity to study it. The solution of problems in simple interest confronts the pupils with new situations in which this principle can be applied. (with) " I saw a growing interest from the teenagers. " But what is best of all," he went on, his excitement subsiding under the delightful interest of his own story, "is that the sergeant in charge of the cannon which was to give the signal to fire the mines and blow up the bridge, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops were running onto the bridge, was about to fire, but Lannes stayed his hand. Journal (1906); Mauch's report in Ausland (1872) is now only of bibliographical interest, while Bent's Ruined Cities of Mashonaland (1892) and R. On the death of her husband in 1811 Mrs Hood removed to Islington, where Thomas Hood had a schoolmaster who appreciated his talents, and, as he says, "made him feel it impossible not to take an interest in learning while he seemed so interested in teaching.". A letter of interest is a great way to get your foot in the door with a company you are interested in. Damian returned his interest to the displays, and Han closed the door softly. Interest will not lie. A2: Say that you are killing time before a meeting. ...You know our kind teachers take us to see everything which they think will interest us, and we learn a great deal in that delightful way. CBS never showed interest in home shopping as a program concept. of Bourg), a building in the Romanesque style of Burgundy, and that of Nantua (12th century), are of architectural interest. He was torn again between frustration and the kind of interest that came from trying to capture a ghost. Are those interest payments to the child "welfare?". In 1788 Lieutenant Bligh of the "Bounty" spent some time at Tahiti, to which island the historical interest now passes. It is a labor to task the faculties of a man--such problems of profit and loss, of interest, of tare and tret, and gauging of all kinds in it, as demand a universal knowledge. She focused on him in interest, wondering what Death could possibly need from her. That makes her someone of interest to me. I spent a lot of time at the conference networking with other teachers who share a similar interest in vocabulary development. 3 They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party. The monastic buildings required for public purposes have been made over to the communal and provincial authorities, while the same authorities have been entrusted with the administration of the ecclesiastical revenues previously set apart for charity and education, and objects of art and historical interest have been consigned to public libraries and museums. She didn't have the patience or interest to be a real personal assistant. No on both counts but he's been a person of interest in the past, because of his associates. The renewal of interest in classical literature was shown in the prohibition of the study of sophistry by any scholar under the age of eighteen, unless he had been pronounced proficient in grammaticals. But Philip Howard, the son and heir, succeeded to the ancient earldom of Arundel in 1580, on the death of his maternal grandfather, while the Lord Lumley, his uncle by marriage, surrendered to him his life interest in the castle and honour of Arundel. We understand that you can, in theory, save and save and save and then live off the interest of your savings forever. To be in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room he considered an important step up in the service, and he at once understood his role, letting his hostess make use of whatever interest he had to offer. To some extent, we have this in the form of high taxes on cigarettes, which are seen to have negative externalities, and a home interest deduction on income taxes, as home ownership is viewed as having positive social good. You might open your letter by alluding to a company development, new product, or relevant news that sparked your interest and motivated you to write this letter. 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