Q5. M. Hamel blames himself and the parents for the neglect of learning by the students. There was an atmosphere of stillness and quietness in the class. Many Indians who live abroad make it compulsory for their family to speak in their native language at home so as to have a sense of belongingness to their country. They did not encourage regular attendance of their children in French classes. (a) participles                                                                              (b) adjectives, (c) old primer                                                                               (d) Ba be bi bo bu. (ii) opening and the closing of the desks. He was not able to understand the severity of war and wondered whether “the Pigeons would be made to coo in German”. It was the last lesson of M. Hamel in the school as the new German teacher was arriving the following day. The Dreyfus affair (French: affaire Dreyfus, pronounced [lafɛːʁ dʁɛfys]) was a political scandal that divided the Third French Republic from 1894 until its resolution in 1906. Franz didn’t stop there and rushed to the school. This site is using cookies under cookie policy. His concern and love for his country are evident when, at the end of his last lesson, he writes on the blackboard ‘Vive La France!’ in bold letters. So, they all came to the class to showcase their love and respect for their mother tongue and French teacher M. Hamel. He used to teach the French language. He was not able to understand the severity of war and wondered whether “the Pigeons would be made to coo in German”. 20. The news, that French would no more be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine and that this was going to be his last lesson, completely shattered a calm and composed man like M. Hamel. It, therefore, has a strong message for us to take pride in our own language because it gives us our identity which once lost cannot be regained. The noise could be heard out in the school. The last lesson was an emotional time which stirred patriotic feelings and awakened the villagers to the importance of their mother tongue. Franz was late for school. (ii) was apprehensive of facing his teacher, M. Hamel as he had not prepared his lessons on participles, which was to be questioned in class. - AFL-CIO Executive Council, 2003 The French health system, ranked No. Question 64. Franz was shocked to get the news that it 105 w scold last lesson in French and the new German teacher would take charge on the following day. He respected his country and also descibed French as the most beautiful of all the languages. (a) the departure of Hamel                                              (b) dawn of Prussia in France, (c) freedom for Franz                                                            (d) sorrow of the villagers. Franz was late for school. Q17.Why did Franz not want to go to a school that day? …, ___ her office, she (drink) ______ tea.3. They repeated the lessons together very loudly. Mr Hamel didn’t even spare himself from blame. If you don't see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom ↓ . Already she's toured Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Aberchrombie & Fitch and King's Dominion. He had hoped to take advantage of that noise and commotion. M. Hamel was solemn and gentle. This came as a thunderbolt to him when he came to school and found it to be his last French lesson. What tempted Franz to stay away from school? He was in his best attire and his ‘iron ruler’ was no more in use. The Last Lesson’ clearly brings out the resolve of the French to hold fast to their language. Franz was shocked at M. Hamel’s announcement that it was their last lesson in French. He was more interested in spending his time outside the school. Short and Simple Summary of the lesson in English– (The Last Lesson )/ Summary in simple Words/ Critical appreciation of the lesson – (The Last Lesson ). The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field at the back of sawmill. (a) they preferred children to work in farms. Ans. The pain and anguish of the students and the teacher is evident as everyone realizes how things were taken for granted. Setting a goal is an easy a task but the journey to reach that goal is a tedious task and demands perseverance, grit and determination. Quoted by Thomas Cummins “With a battle well planned, Death will not be welcomed in war” Thank you. He resisted the temptation and hurried off to school. There was complete silence in the class. 29. Mr Hamel didn’t even spare himself from blame. He spoke in a grave and gentle tone and made it clear that it was his last French lesson as an order had come from Berlin. He wanted to get to his desk without being noticed. Everyone was full of regret and remorse. The birds were chirping at the edge of woods. The entire school was filled with an air of remorse and regret. It emphasizes the importance of holding onto one’s language as the key to our identity. The parents would rather send their children to work on farms and in mills (for extra money, rather than attend school. But he was quite confident to enter the class unnoticed because usually there was a lot of confusion and noise at the beginning of the school. The teacher, M. Hamel, was in his best dress and was full of emotions. The teacher, M. Hamel, was in his best dress and was full of emotions. This was evident in the last lesson of M. Hamel. Ans. Franz was a typical schoolboy. Q21.”What a thunderclap these words were to me!” (Franz). The old men of the village were sitting in the classroom. He had been teaching his mother tongue for the last forty years. The story depicts the irony of the whole situation about how people feel when they don’t learn their own language. He told the class la to keep their language close to their hearts to feel free and happy. He blamed all Frenchmen for not knowing how to speak or write their own mother tongue. All the schools of Alsace and Lorraine would teach only German from the next day when a German teacher would replace him. Ans. (c) when people are deprived of their essence even the surroundings are affected. Moreover, it was a warm day and he was tempted by the chirping of birds and sounds of Prussian soldiers exercising at the back of the sawmill. (iv) Franz felt that the teacher must be heartbroken for he was to leave the country the next day.